Confidence Intervals

Confidence Intervals when is σ Unknown

Learning Objectives

In this section, we will do the following calculations to estimate the true mean when the population standard deviation (σ) is unknown:

  • Understand when z-scores and when t-scores are used
  • Understand the meaning of t-scores
  • Examine several Excel calls to calculate t-scores and the margin of error
  • Introduce the confidence intervals formula

When the population standard deviation (σ) is unknown, we need to use a t-score instead of a z-score. In this case, the confidence interval formulas become:

  • [latex]CL_{Lower} = \bar{x}-t \cdot \frac{s}{\sqrt{n}}[/latex]
  • [latex]CL_{Upper} = \bar{x}-t \cdot \frac{s}{\sqrt{n}}[/latex]
  • where [latex]E = t \cdot \frac{s}{\sqrt{n}}[/latex]

Calculating T-scores

When the population standard deviation is unknown, we must use a t-score instead of a z-score (that we used previously). We will explore what t-scores and what a t-distribution is in the next section also. For now, we will examine the 3 possible ways of calculating a t-score or the margin of error related to the t-score in Excel:

  1. [latex]t = \text{T.INV.2T}(\alpha, df)[/latex]
  2. [latex]t = \text{T.INV}(\frac{\alpha}{2}, df)[/latex]
  3. [latex]E = \text{CONFIDENCE.T}(\alpha, {2}, s , n)[/latex]

There are two new expressions to understand in above formulas (apart from t):

  • [latex]df = \text{degrees of freedom} = n - 1[/latex]
  • [latex]\alpha = 1 - \text{confidence level}[/latex]

Understanding Excel’s T.INV.2T Function

When we use Excel’s T.INV.2T() function, we input the area outside of the confidence interval. This area is also called α (alpha). See figure 49.1 below to better understand this area.

Bell shaped curve with area between −t and t highlighted. In the inside area is written "Confidence Level." Above the highlighted area is written alpha divided by 2. Below the shaded area in the lower tail is also written alpha over two.
Figure 50.1 Confidence interval with t-scores shown on bottom axis.

We can see from the above graph that α (alpha) makes up the area in the upper and lower tails (split between the two tails). It can be calculated using:

\[\alpha = 100\% – \text{Confidence Level} = 1 – \text{Confidence Level} \]

We can solve for [latex]t[/latex] using:

\[t = \text{T.INV.2T}(\alpha, df) \]

Finally, remember that [latex]df = n - 1[/latex]

Understanding Excel’s T.INV Function

When we use Excel’s T.INV() Function, we input the area to the left of a [latex]t[/latex]-score. The easiest is to input the area in the left tail [latex]=\frac{\alpha}{2}[/latex]. This returns the negative (−) [latex]t[/latex]-score:

Bell shaped curve with area between −t and t highlighted. In the inside area is written "Confidence Level." Above the highlighted area is written alpha divided by 2. Below the shaded area in the lower tail is also written alpha over two.
Figure 50.2 Confidence interval with t-scores and T.INV() formulas indicated.

We can see from the above graph that we can solve for the negative (−) or positive [latex]t[/latex]-scores:

\[-t = \text{T.INV}(\frac{\alpha}{2}, df) = \text{T.INV}(\frac{\alpha}{2}, n-1)\]

\[t = \text{T.INV}(\frac{\alpha}{2}+\text{Conf Level}, df) = \text{T.INV}(\frac{\alpha}{2}+\text{Conf Level}, n-1)\]

Understanding Excel’s CONFIDENCE.T Function

When we use Excel’s CONFIDENCE.T() function, we input the area outside of the confidence interval (α). This function returns the Margin of Error (E):

Bell shaped curve with area between the lower and upper confidence interval limits highlighted. Between the limits and the middle is marked E on either side.
Figure 50.3 Confidence interval with limits, sample mean and margin of error indicated.

Excel’s CONFIDENCE.T() function is the quickest way to calculate the margin of error (there is no need to calculate the [latex]t[/latex]-score nor do the margin of error calculation):

[latex]E = t \cdot \frac{s}{\sqrt{n}} = \text{CONFIDENCE.T}(\alpha, {2}, s , n)[/latex]

We can easily calculate the lower and upper limits once the margin of error is known:

\[CL_{Lower} = \bar{x}-E\]

\[CL_{Upper} = \bar{x}+E\]


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An Introduction to Business Statistics for Analytics (1st Edition) Copyright © 2024 by Amy Goldlist; Charles Chan; Leslie Major; Michael Johnson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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