
Probability Rules

An Applied Example Walk-Through

 Learning Objectives

Apply the probability rules to a real world problem

Conditional probabilities are used in so many contexts and so many places in the real world:

Setting up an Applied Example

Example 16.1.1

Problem Setup: A patient takes a lab test and the result comes back positive.

  • The test returns a positive result in 97% of the cases in which the disease is actually present.
  • The test returns a negative result in 98% of the cases in which the disease is not present.
  • 0.8% of all people have this illness.


  • Can you write out the above sentences as probability expressions?
  • Check your answers against the solutions below (click to reveal).


Example 16.1.2


  1. What is the probability that the person tests positive and has the disease?
  2. What is the probability that the person tests negative and has the disease?
  3. What is the probability that the person tests positive and does not have the disease?


  • Write out the probability expression for each above question.
  • Check your answers against the solutions below (click to reveal).


SOlving an Applied Example

Example 16.1.3

Instructions: Use the information from the previous section to solve for the probabilities:

  1. What is the probability that the person tests positive and has the disease?
  2. What is the probability that the person tests negative and has the disease?
  3. What is the probability that the person tests positive and does not have the disease?

Solutions: Click here to download the written solutions. Also see the next section for video solutions.

Video Walkthrough of Applied Example

Your Own Notes (EXERCISE)

  • Are there any notes you want to take from this section? Is there anything you’d like to copy and paste below?
  • These notes are for you only (they will not be stored anywhere)
  • Make sure to download them at the end to use as a reference


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An Introduction to Business Statistics for Analytics (1st Edition) Copyright © 2024 by Amy Goldlist; Charles Chan; Leslie Major; Michael Johnson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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