Measures of Variance

In a previous chapter, we learn to summarize a set of numbers into a single number that we call the mean, median, mode, i.e., the central location. But often, knowing the central location is not enough, because 2 sets of numbers can have identical mean, but look very much different.

To illustrate this, image 2 people. Call them Sunita and Sanjay. They are good friends, go to the same school, take the same 5 courses. At the end of the semester, they have identical mean of 81, identical median of 80, and identical mode of 80. But are they equally good students? Let us look at their transcripts.

Name Homework Term Test#1 Term Test#2 Term Test#3 Concept Quizzes
Sunita 80 80 80 82 83
Sanjay 48 80 80 98 99

It can be very easily verified that, for both sets of data, the mean = 405/5 = 81, the median (the number in the middle) = 80, and the mode (it occurs most often) = 80. However, we also see that Sunita is very consistent, and Sanjay has more variation in his grades. In addition to the central location, we need another piece of information to describe the data: how the numbers are spread out.

We will examine several measures of dispersion (or variation) in this section:

  • the range
  • the standard deviation (for samples and populations
  • the variance (for samples and populations)
  • the coefficient of variation

Read on to find out more!


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An Introduction to Business Statistics for Analytics (1st Edition) Copyright © 2024 by Amy Goldlist; Charles Chan; Leslie Major; Michael Johnson is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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