
Create Accessible Word Documents

Start here to create accessible Word documents

Hi, my name is Sam. I consider myself pretty tech savvy, but I have no idea about how to make Word documents accessible. I recently moved from an institution that used Google Docs and since I am starting something new, I wanted to learn how to create accessible Word documents from scratch. Accessible learning material enhances student satisfaction, democratic access to information, and inclusion.

Word is one of the most common word processor programs that allows users to create, edit, and view documents, embed media and data, and share material. Word is available for desktop, mobile, and via a web browser.


Have you ever received formal training on creating documents in Word? Or did you just figure it out as you went?

If you have received training, how long ago was it?

Word tools and features were designed to create accessible documents by default. When used as intended, Word creates documents that are accessible with no additional steps, hacks, or workarounds required. Depending on your answers to the above, creating accessible Word documents may require some unlearning, check-ins, and reworking of your current workflow.

The best way to solve an issue is to prevent it from happening in the first place.

Key considerations

Select from the following links to learn about specific tools and features you should be using to create accessible Word documents:

Accessible Fonts

Accessible Colour

Document Headings

Accessible Links

Alternative Text

Accessible Lists and Tables

Sharing Best Practices

Going Forward


In addition to the above links, you can move through this module in a linear fashion by selecting Next: Readable Fonts in the bottom right of this window.


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Digital Accessibility On-demand Copyright © by Luke McKnight is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.