7. OPEN: Advancing Open Education Resources in professional education

When we started the ALN project in April 2019, we committed to making everything that we created Open. That included all course materials, content and resources. Our rationale was simple. The planet is on fire and we need everyone to be able to access the knowledge, skills, tools and resources they need to both put the fire out and protect us from future fires. And we wanted them to be able to do that without having to pay for it.

As it turns out, that’s a pretty radical idea in higher education. In the continuing studies world, it’s almost unheard of. So by trying to do what we perceived as the right thing, we unintentionally created another major sub-project for the ALN for which we had neither a plan nor budget.

In plain language, Open Educational Resources (OERs) use a Creative Commons (CC) license that allows other people to reuse, remix and redistribute them for free. That’s the opposite of traditional copyright licenses that forbid those things.

The hope with Open publishing is that, once you put something out into the world with a CC license, someone will take your idea and build on it to make it even better. This kind of thinking is the foundation of innovation and something we need more of if we’re going to adapt successfully to climate change.

To meet our goal of creating a library of Open Educational Resources (OERs) through the ALN, we’d have to overcome several barriers.

Starting on day one, we had to invest heavily in helping our university partners, subject matter experts, funders and community members understand what Open is, how the licensing works, and why it would be a good thing for them.

Fortunately, there’s excellent research available that demonstrates that publishing a book or course as an OER can generate more reach, revenue and impact than doing so in a fee-for-service or product way. Why? Because more people find and use your work, which improves awareness of and respect for your work. Additionally, the true value of most educational experiences comes from interactions with the instructor or facilitator, and others in the course – not the textbook or slide deck. So most people will still pay to take a course, even if the materials are available free of charge.

Once we had our partners on board, we turned to the next challenge – building a repository for all the OERs we were creating, along with the courses themselves.

This was tricky, as it had many layers to it. We had to ensure that the course designers weren’t including materials in their courses that were covered by traditional copyright.

We also had to find a platform that was easy to use – and would be maintained after the project was complete in 2022.

Finally, we had to find someone to do all this work, along with a way to pay them.

To do this, we engaged several CC experts, including Tannis Morgan and  Krista Lambert. Amanda Coolidge, an OER expert at BCcampus, also provided guidance. They helped us develop systems to organize and manage our digital assets so we could get them into the OER Commons Repository – the global home of Open resources for education.

Once we had a workflow established to support our Open strategy for course creation, we then had to figure out a digital format for the courses, to assure that videos and other rich media would work and be accessible.

We turned to BCcampus to see if their Pressbooks would work as a way to share course materials. A Pressbook is essentially a digital container for a course and all its digital assets, a bit like a website. (In fact, this report is published in a Pressbook.) By teaming up with the BCcampus Pressbooks initiative, we were able to reproduce all ten of the ALN courses in an open format that anyone in the world could access, share and adapt for future uses.

Here is an example of a course module on the BCcampus site.

However, we wanted to extend our reach beyond British Columbia. So we contacted our web hosting partner weAdapt to see if they’d be interested in adding climate adaptation courses to their extensive knowledge management library. The timing was perfect as they were just starting to look at expanding their services to include education. For the last year of the project, we worked with them to make all of the courses and course materials openly available as Pressbooks through the weAdapt platform.

Despite the initial concerns of some universities about our Open mandate, it appears that it did not affect enrolment, and all of our university partners were able to generate reasonable financial returns on their courses.

Over the three years of the project, we also saw the Open approach generate several additional benefits, including access to materials for learners once a course was complete and the option for learners to share course content and tools with colleagues outside the course.

Additionally, as more people with Royal Roads University and our academic partners grew comfortable with the concept of Open, we saw them begin to adopt it on their own as a design principle for future courses – which is a significant legacy of this work.


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OLD DO NOT UPDATE Copyright © 2022 by Dr. Robin Cox is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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