
A.9 The Nearest Stars, Brown Dwarfs, and White Dwarfs

The Nearest Stars, Brown Dwarfs, and White Dwarfs
Star System Discovery Name Distance (light-year) Spectral Type Location: RA1 Location: Dec2 Luminosity (Sun = 1)
Sun G2 V 1
1 1 Proxima Centauri 4.2 M5.5 V 14 29 −62 40 5 × 10−5
2 2 Alpha Centauri A 4.4 G2 V 14 39 −60 50 1.5
3 Alpha Centauri B 4.4 K2 IV 14 39 −60 50 0.5
4 3 Barnard’s Star 6.0 M4 V 17 57 +04 42 4.4 × 10−4
5 4 Wolf 359 7.8 M6 V 10 56 +07 00 2 × 10−5
6 5 Lalande 21 185 8.3 M2 V 11 03 +35 58 5.7 × 10−3
7 6 Sirius A 8.6 A1 V 06 45 −16 42 23.1
8 Sirius B 8.6 DA23 06 45 −16 43 2.5 × 10−3
9 7 Luyten 726-8 A 8.7 M5.5 V 01 39 −17 57 6 × 10−5
10 Luyten 726-8 B (UV Ceti) 8.7 M6 V 01 39 −17 57 4 × 10−5
11 8 Ross 154 9.7 M.05 V 18 49 −23 50 5 × 10−4
12 9 Ross 248 (HH Andromedae) 10.3 M5.5 V 23 41 +44 10 1.0 × 10−4
13 10 Epsilon Eridani 10.5 K2 V 03 32 −09 27 0.29
14 11 Lacaille 9352 10.7 M0.5 V 23 05 −35 51 0.011
15 12 Ross 128 (FI Virginis) 10.9 M4 V 11 47 +00 48 3.4 × 10−4
16 13 Luyten 789-6 A (EZ Aquarii A) 11.3 M5 V 22 38 −15 17 5 × 10−5
17 Luyten 789-6 B (EZ Aquarii B) 11.3 M5.5 V 22 38 −15 15 5 × 10−5
18 Luyten 789-6 C (EZ Aquarii C) 11.3 M6.5 V 22 38 −15 17 2 × 10−5
19 14 61 Cygni A 11.4 K5 V 21 06 +38 44 0.086
20 61 Cygni B 11.4 K7 V 21 06 +38 44 0.041
21 15 Procyon A 11.4 F51V 07 39 +05 13 7.38
22 Procyon B 11.4 wd4 07 39 +05 13 5.5 × 10−4
23 16 Sigma 2398 A 11.5 M3 V 18 42 +59 37 0.003
24 Sigma 2398 B 11.5 M3.5 V 18 42 +59 37 1.4 × 10−3
25 17 Groombridge 34 A (GX Andromedae) 11.6 M1.5 V 00 18 +44 01 6.4 × 10−3


  1. 1 Location (right ascension) given for Epoch 2000.0
  2. 2 Location (declination) given for Epoch 2000.0
  3. 3 White dwarf stellar remnant
  4. 4 White dwarf stellar remnant
  5. 5 Brown dwarf
  6. 6 Brown dwarf
  7. 7 Brown dwarf


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