H5P activities list

This book includes 82 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
72Musculoskeletal System Ch 11.5 ExercisesColumn
73Nervous System Ch 11.6 ExercisesColumn
74ReductionismInteractive Video
75The progress of scienceInteractive Video
76Ch 5.1 ExercisesColumn
77Ch 5.2 ExercisesColumn
78Ch 5.3 ExercisesColumn
79Viruses Ch 12.1 ExercisesColumn
80Innate Immunity Ch 12.2 ExercisesColumn
81Adaptive Immunity Ch 12.3 ExercisesColumn
82Disruptions in the Immune System Ch 12.4 ExercisesColumn
83Introduction to the Immune System and Disease Ch 12 Search for key pointsColumn
848.1 MendelInteractive Video
8510.2 GMOInteractive Video
8610.2 Vitamin types videoInteractive Video
87DNA is the Genetic MaterialInteractive Video
8810.3 Personalized MedicineInteractive Video
89Fat Soluble VitaminsInteractive Video
9011.3 MineralsInteractive Video
919.4 universality of the Genetic CodeInteractive Video
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