
Welcome to Business Law

This textbook has been a labour of love and one with a clear purpose. It was undertaken to provide readers with a free, accessible, and sound foundation for the major aspects of Canadian business law. While admittedly biased, I firmly believe that all people should have an understanding of some basic legal fundamentals.

For all readers, knowledge of the law can be tremendously valuable:

  • it is vital for you to properly protect your rights and advocating for yourself or others;
  • it helps mitigate personal and professional risks;
  • it helps to better prepare you for the legal disputes that will inevitably emerge in your life whether it be about entering into a contract, starting a business, buying a home, or all the myriad of other circumstances touching on law.

Ultimately, there is no relationship which is not affected by the law — it’s presence is everywhere. As such, one of my great hopes is that this text can serve as a tool to get individuals thinking about legal responsibilities and even, advocating for themselves.

While this textbook could never give you the answers to all the legal issues you may face hopefully, what it can do, is start you thinking about the right questions:

“Understanding a question is half an answer.”

– Socrates

Take care and stay ever learning.

Brian Fixter


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Foundations of Canadian Business Law Copyright © by Brian Fixter is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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