
But I Live: Introduction

This lesson introduces students to Emmie’s testimony while continuing to build general literacy skills. Through the collaboration between Barbara Yelin’s art and Emmie’s testimony, students are exposed to:

  • traumatic memories that affect survivors’ everyday life decades later
  • three different Nazi camps, and what life in them was like for a child
  • the experience of being dehumanized
  • the challenge of recording past memories
  • how trauma can blur the boundaries between past and present
  • concepts of dignity, rebellion and humour

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to:

  • read and reflect on non-fiction and autobiographic graphic narratives.
  • form questions and wonderings about the Holocaust.
  • contextualize the graphic narrative in its larger context of the Holocaust.

Guiding Question

  • What do I know about the Holocaust?
  • What do I wonder about the Holocaust?


The class will need copies of Emmie’s story, But I Live, the cover image of Emmie. Teachers may also wish to use Know-Wonder-Learn charts and exit slips.


Project the cover of “But I Live” so students can see. Ask students what they notice when they look at the image.

Lesson Activities


In small groups, have students discuss what they already know about the Holocaust. Next, ask students to discuss what they wonder about the Holocaust.

Learning Strategy: Know-Wonder-Learn

  • Students share what they already know on the topic/theme.
  • Students ask questions ahead of reading and set reading intentions.
  • Students’ questions help shape learning and focus.

Using the Pre Reading KWL, ask these questions explicitly:

Before Reading

  • classroom discussion
  • main ideas captured on white board
  • students fill in first two columns on their table (K and W)

Ask Students

  • Who is the author? Illustrator?
  • When and where was the graphic narrative published?
  • What is the main topic of this testimony?
  • What do you already know about this topic?
  • What would you like to find out about this topic?


Individually or as a class, read Emmie’s story.

While reading, encourage students to note significant events or annotate the Wonder in their Know-Wonder-Learn. They can write down new questions, or highlight what they have learned.

First ask students to create a timeline of the events in Emmie’s story. Discuss as a class or in groups what images or dialogue support the events in the timeline.


Then, in a personal reflection, ask students to pick one picture they found powerful, explaining the impact it had on them.


Students write short reflections, roughly a paragraph in length, to be collected as exit slips.

Supporting Resources

Pre Reading Know-Wonder-Learn

But I Live Introduction – Exit Slip


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But I Live Educators' Resource Copyright © 2024 by Andrea Webb is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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