
Wrap Up

This lesson ties together the previous three lessons in an extensive jigsaw activity.

Learning Objectives

Students will be able to:

  • explain and communicate spatial and geographic relationships.

Guiding Question

  • How does physical geography interconnect with human events?


Drawing on the previous lessons, using the concept of Historical Significance as a guide, students will share what they know about Nico and Rolf’s testimony, the history of antisemitism, and the geography of the Holocaust..

Lesson Activities

Mapping Nico and Rolf’s Hiding

Come together as a class to use students’ mapping skills to collaboratively map out Nico and Rolf’s story of survival. An online tool like Google Maps may be useful.

Going leg by leg, students should identify the locations of the homes Nico and Rolf went to. This adds scale to the story, but also a sense of realness and time.

NOTE: This activity works well with other stories as well. For a larger scale, David Schaffer’s story is very powerful.


Once the class has a map, compare their version with the map created to show all the movement of all the survivors –



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