Supporting KSAs for this area

Knowledge Of Ability To Attributes
  • Climate-related policies and practices
  • Able to engage in political thinking and acting
  • Think objectively
  • Apply research practices
  • Critical thinking (incl. skepticism of misinformation)


Climate Action Policy Competencies
1. React/Follow 2. Act/Apply 3. Anticipate/Initiate/Enable 4. Lead/Strategize
Competency Title Follow climate action policies and practices Apply and analyse existing climate action policies and practices Inform new climate action policies and practices Facilitate the creation and implementation of climate action policies and practices.
Competency Statement Follow climate action policies and practices within own areas of responsibility and influence Apply and analyse existing climate action policies and practices within scope of work, role, or area of responsibility Inform new climate action policies and practices within scope of work, role, or area of responsibility Facilitate the creation and implementation of climate action policies and practices across organizational boundaries
Performance Criteria
  1. Incorporate climate action practices and policies into regular behaviour
  2. Maintain current knowledge of international, national, provincial, and local legal/policy landscape on climate change, including climate change carbon reduction policy and legislation
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of common policy measures and regulatory tools
  1. Review and interpret existing climate action policies and identify those applicable to own role and areas of responsibility
  2. Integrate climate action practices and policies into existing work
  3. Update own practices in response to evolving climate policies or sustainability standards
  4. Identify gaps or areas for improvement in existing policies and practices and communicate to others as necessary
  1. Interpret complex policy documents and information
  2. Interpret global and local climate change trends, impacts, challenges, and concerns
  3. Interpret climate mitigation, adaptation and disaster risk reduction policies, standards, agreements, and precedents in plans, strategies, projects.
  4. Leverage existing policies, legislation, and capabilities
  5. Integrate climate risks, impacts, vulnerabilities, and risk-mitigation considerations
  6. Provide awareness of advice on or develop legislation and regulations
  7. Collect, analyze, and interpret information and data to support policy and planning programs
  8. Lobby for climate policies to effect change
  1. Forge a shared vision for and understanding of climate actions and initiatives.
  2. Facilitate movement to action
  3. Work to reduce ambiguity and address resistance to change
  4. Support disciplinary bridging and cooperation.
  5. Identify and communicate opportunities for improved regulations and guidelines
  6. Engage and consult key stakeholders


Climate Action Competency Framework V2 (CACFv2) Copyright © by climateaction. All Rights Reserved.

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