Supporting KSAs for this area

Knowledge Of Ability To Attributes
  • Intersectoralism
  • Social and political concepts and structures
  • Conflict resolution, mediation, Engagement and negotiation
  • Interdisciplinary thinking
  • Network and build relationships applying a diversity, equity and inclusion lens
  • Commitment to democratic, active and inclusive participation
  • People-centredness
  • Emotional intelligence and diplomacy


  1. Competencies
    1. React/Follow 2. Act/Apply 3. Anticipate/Initiate/Enable 4. Lead/Strategize
    Competency Title Work effectively with others to achieve climate action goals and objectives Facilitate cooperation & collaboration Build and maintain collaborative relationships Identify and initiate collaborative endeavours.
    Competency Statement Work effectively with others to achieve collective climate goals and objectives Facilitate cooperation in planning and implementing climate action Build and maintain relationships that lead to enhanced collaboration and improve outcomes Identify and initiate collaborative endeavours to tackle climate change that are aligned with program objectives
    Performance Criteria
    1. Take part in collective planning and decision-making processes
    2. Develop alignment on goals, objectives, priorities within partners, networks and teams
    3. Reconcile differences in meaning and assumptions between disciplines and stakeholder groups
    4. Collaborate with identified partners, groups, and communities to achieve defined program objectives
    5. Work and communicate effectively across disciplinary and sectoral differences
    6. Engage in co-creation to generate solutions, shared ownership and shared responsibility over efforts
    7. Give and receive feedback on group progress toward objectives
    8. Ask questions and seek clarification when needed
    1. Adopt a relational approach to building coalitions and alliances
    2. Prioritize processes that build trust and cooperation with identified partners, groups, and communities
    3. Distinguish individual versus shared visions, goals, and mandates
    4. Contribute collaboratively across and within organizations
    5. Identify and maximize distributed capacity and resources
    6. Engage in dialogue with rights-holders and stakeholders (individuals, communities, organizations and specialists)
    7. Manage conflict to achieve common goals and objectives
    8. Motivate, enable and facilitate collaborative and participatory research and problem-solving methods
    9. Support workplace and professional development initiatives across the organization (both internal and external/client facing
    10. Integrate an interdisciplinary, cross-sector orientation to climate action
    1. Identify, develop, and implement relevant cross-sector, cross-disciplinary, and cross-functional partnerships and networks
    2. Employ strategies to create safe, creative spaces for collaboration
    3. Build coalitions and alliances that enable and empower collaboration and joint decision-making
    4. Engage in practices to enhance trust-building, especially between relevant parties & rights-holders with diverse perspectives and goals
    5. Engage and motivate team members to identify and achieve shared objectives and joint decisions
    6. Identify and assess capacity and resources for a group’s ability to tackle specific climate issues and concerns
    7. Translate complex ideas, disciplinary-specific jargon into simple and straightforward language and messaging
    1. Develop alignment within partner networks and teams
    2. Collaborate with identified partners, groups, and communities to achieve defined program objectives
    3. Enable and empower groups to make joint decisions
    4. Engage and motivate team members to achieve group objectives
    5. Identify the implications for a group’s ability to tackle climate change
    6. Translation of complex ideas into simple and straightforward messaging


Climate Action Competency Framework V2 (CACFv2) Copyright © by climateaction. All Rights Reserved.

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