Other Uses for the Framework

Using the Climate Action Competency Framework also involves particular processes, depending on principles and philosophy.

  1. Assessment of an individual’s or team’s competency strengths and gaps is intended to be based on observation of competence demonstrated over time. Competencies are defined with specific performance criteria and can be assessed using proficiency or frequency scales. Competency assessment is the result of on-the-job observation of the individual demonstrating their competence in the work environment and within the context of their role and organization. You can start by using the Self-Assessment tool.
  2. Gap Analysis: Following assessment, the individual or team should meet with their supervisor or mentor to discuss the assessment and identify any gaps. Discuss strengths and potential development opportunities to determine possible actions and priorities for gap closure for each area with a competency gap.
  3. Career Management: Individuals may be free to select a role profile for their current role or a potential future role, representing a career move. The assessment will reveal the strengths and requirements for further development.
  4. Defining Learning Outcomes: Instructional designers may use the Climate Action Competency Framework to shape learning outcomes. The term learning outcome is most often used in the context of educational and training initiatives to describe what is expected of a learner to demonstrate they have achieved or acquired a specific competence. Learning outcomes can be based on performance criteria or on supporting knowledge, skills, and attributes, depending on the scope of learning desired.


Climate Action Competency Framework V2 (CACFv2) Copyright © by climateaction. All Rights Reserved.

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