How To Use The Climate Action Competency Framework V2

Although all the competencies in the Climate Action Competency Framework are deemed to be relevant to the work of climate action, there is no expectation that one needs to be an expert in all the competencies listed. Different roles will require different competencies. It is critical, however, to understand how these competencies interrelate as part of an integrated whole, and to identify how a team, organization or other group might collectively bring expertise in all areas. Whether climate action evolves to become its own specialized field or discipline remains to be seen, and one’s professional role will dictate the role-specific competency expectations, i.e., the extent to which any given professional must be able to put each competency into practice. The Climate Action Competency Framework can help support a coherent approach to the development and management of the climate action workforce.

The CACFv2’s primary target end users of the framework are people working in various roles and organizations that have a climate action mandate as a component of their work, and those working to develop competency-informed learning outcomes for training and curriculum.


The CACF v2 attempts to illustrate the different breadth of competencies necessary to deal with and prepare for a climate change-altered present and future (i.e., climate impacts) while also working to reduce and slow global heating through climate mitigation (GHG emissions reductions) policies and practices. It details the central competencies required by someone working either as a climate action generalist or a climate adaptation or mitigation specialist. Whether a generalist or a specialist, climate action benefits from a coordinated and systematic integration of both climate adaptation and climate mitigation considerations, otherwise known as a low carbon resilience lens approach (see: Low Carbon Resilience Handbook (SFU Climate Action Team; The CACF v2 framework is designed to:

  1. Establish a shared understanding of climate action competencies by detailing the central competencies necessary to climate adaptation and mitigation, and examples of associated behavioural indicators for those competencies.
  2. Offer a practical, systematic road map or tool for individuals, organizations, teams and others to guide capacity and capability development, and to support objective assessments of competency strengths and gaps in the workforce.
  3. Enable individuals and businesses to facilitate professional development and training agendas to develop capacity for climate action.
  4. Support those interested in further developing climate action capacity through recruitment and hiring qualified candidates.
  5. Shape behaviours that strengthen the individual’s climate action related capabilities and thus enhance performance outcomes relative to accountabilities of specific roles.

Development Process

Developing climate action competencies, and the capacities and capabilities that flow from them, requires a shared understanding of what the specialized competency requirements are, and some standards of competence for those involved in the field. In response to this need, the Adaptation Learning Network Project, led by Dr. Robin Cox, Director of the Resilience by Design (RbD) Lab at Royal Roads University, and funded by Natural Resources Canada and the BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy, undertook the design and development of the the Climate Adaptation Competency Framework (CACF v1). The design and development process of the CACF v1 involved the contributions and insights of many Canadian and International climate adaptation subject matter experts and practitioners. The CACF v1 was also workshopped in contexts where additional subject matter experts, climate adaptation practitioners, and others with vested interests in the use of such a framework provided feedback and recommendations for its revision. The framework was intentionally licensed (2021) using a Creative Commons license to ensure the uptake is as wide as possible, and to allow others to use the framework and adapt to their specific contexts.

In 2022, the Resilience By Design Lab, working with additional funding from the BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy, undertook a revision to the original CACF v1 framework. These revisions included refining competencies to better align with a Low Carbon Resilience or adaptation and mitigation integrated approach, and by revising the framework structure so that it better aligned with the principles outlined in the E-Campus Ontario Open Competency Framework toolkit. The resultant Climate Action Competency Framework v2 was reviewed by additional subject matter experts and is similarly published with a Creative Commons license. The CACF v2 is offered in an interactive, online version through the Resilience By Design lab website. The CACF v2 is considered ever green and will be refined with additional feedback and as the work of climate action evolves.


The CACF v.1 and v.2 have been developed by the Resilience By Design Lab with funding from Natural Resources Canada: Building Regional Adaptation Capacity and Expertise (BRACE) project; The BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy; and Royal Roads University.


The Climate Action Competency Framework provides:

  • a defined set of competencies to ensure that individuals and teams have expertise and abilities to perform climate action-related job functions;
  • a practical approach to identify skills gaps and monitor performance in organizations offering climate adaptation and/or mitigation services;
  • terminology for those hiring and those applying for jobs to communicate the skills, behaviours and attitudes for climate adaptation and mitigation work;
  • a foundation for designing courses with relevant learning outcomes that align with climate adaptation and mitigation competencies.


We are hoping you will take time to provide your valuable feedback to inform the ongoing, iterative development of CACF V.2. Click to provide feedback on CACF V.2.



Climate Action Competency Framework V2 (CACFv2) Copyright © by climateaction. All Rights Reserved.

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