CACF Self-Assessment Tool
This tool has been developed in order for you to assess yourself against the competencies in the revised Climate Action Competency Framework (CACFv2). There are no right or wrong answers, this tool is intended for you to reflect on the competencies in the framework and how you think you are currently able to demonstrate the ones applicable in your role or own context.
Once you complete the self-assessment, a copy will be sent to you by email.
How to use the Self-Assessment Tool
Review the description of each domain and its competency areas as you go through the self-assessment. If you would like to assess yourself against the competencies in that area, select “yes” when prompted. Otherwise, you will be taken to the next domain.
If a competency does not apply to you or your current role/work, then select not applicable. Otherwise, rate yourself according to the rating scale below.
- Not applicable – this competency is not relevant to you in your current role
- 1 – Developing – you are still developing skills and knowledge in this area
- 2 – Proficient – you feel you have sufficient skills and knowledge in this area for your current role
- 3 – Expert –Â you feel you have substantial skills and expertise in this area and can help guide others
You can access the tool at this link or by using the embedded form below.