Supporting KSAs for this area

Knowledge Of Ability To Attributes
  • Societal tensions including conflicting interests and the positive climate action trends in society
  • Collaborate effectively with diverse rights holders and interest groups
  • Take risks
  • Anticipatory or futures-oriented thinking
  • Creativity
  • Innovation
  • Initiative


Creativity/Innovation Competencies
1. React/Follow 2. Act/Apply 3. Anticipate/Initiate/Enable 4. Lead/Strategize
Competency Title Employ strategies to observe, ideate, reflect, build, and rebuild solutions. Contribute to climate knowledge and capacity development Apply design thinking processes Apply entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship
Competency Statement Employ strategies to observe, ideate, reflect, build, and rebuild solutions to climate problems within own area of control or influence. Contribute to climate knowledge and capacity development related to own role and areas of responsibility Apply design thinking processes to own and team’s work and processes Apply entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship to climate action, activities, and programs
Performance Criteria
  1. Identify specific adaptation and/or mitigation problem to be addressed and design a climate adaptation or climate mitigation solution that meets community needs and intended impact
  2. Incorporate the needs of multiple rights holders and interested parties in a solution
  1. Build on existing climate action knowledge and practices
  2. Contribute to knowledge sharing, climate action learning and action networks.
  3. Encourage observation, ideation, reflection, building and rebuilding of prototypes throughout the design-thinking process.
  4. Enable the design and implementation of climate action strategies, initiatives, and decisions.
  5. Generate new information on climate action and climate action capacity
  6. Collectively analyse, evaluate, and craft rich ‘pictures’ of the future related to climate issues and problem-solving frameworks.
  7. Tap into the creative potential of affected communities or subpopulations to visualize alternative futures and generate solutions.
  1. Engage in processes that allow for observation and information gathering, ideation, reflection, creation, and iterative prototyping (i.e., design thinking).
  2. Enable experimentation and learning
  3. Able to adapt new technologies and methodologies
  4. Appreciate the value of feedback cycles for refining and improving ideas.
  5. Incorporate feedback loops and tipping points.
  6. Seek out relevant details and interconnections
  7. Consider a range of possible solutions when designing and building projects, solutions, or systems.
  1. Encourage and energize entrepreneurship and intrapreneurship in climate solutions
  2. Develop or look for new ideas or creative adaptation and/or mitigation solutions
  3. Imagine alternative futures
  4. Act as a change agent
  5. Stand up and assume ownership of action
  6. Creatively and pragmatically work within resource constraints (bricolage)
  7. Plan and manage adaptation/mitigation projects with the purpose of achieving innovative and economically viable objectives
  8. Engage with, pitch to, and secure funding from diverse investors/stakeholders
  9. Put ideas into practice





Climate Action Competency Framework V2 (CACFv2) Copyright © by climateaction. All Rights Reserved.

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