Supporting KSAs for this area

Knowledge Of Ability To Attributes
  • Best practices for engagement with diverse audiences
  • Communication styles and preferences of diverse stakeholder groups
  • Potential areas of conflict and stakeholder resistance
  • Build meaningful exchanges and dialogue
  • Build trust and rapport with diverse constituents (people, organizations, communities)
  • Foster collaboration
  • Emotional intelligence and awareness of self and others (including social location, and privilege)
  • Critical thinking
  • Person-centredness


1. React/Follow 2. Act/Apply 3. Anticipate/Initiate/Enable 4. Lead/Strategize
Competency Title Support and participate in engagement activities Engage with stakeholders Develop engagement strategies Identify and initiate strategic engagement opportunities
Competency Statement Actively support and participate in engagement activities related to climate action Engage with stakeholders for the purpose of climate action Develop strategies for engagement on climate action Identify and initiate strategic engagement opportunities for climate action
Performance Criteria
  1. Participate in relevant professional networks devoted to climate change mitigation and adaptation
  2. Share best practices and optimal tools for successful climate change programs with others as appropriate to own role and responsibilities
  3. Identify missing voices from engagement activities and communicate with relevant personnel
  4. Encourage participation by relevant partners from different sectors, contexts, and communities
  5. Engage in dialogue with rights-holders and stakeholders (individuals, communities, organizations and specialists)
  6. Hold space for  contradictory opinions, difficult conversations and conflict
  7. Support decision-makers and staff/roles in planning and coordinating engagement activities
  1. Identify relevant and diverse partners, decision-makers and staff/ roles
  2. Engage relevant partners from different sectors, contexts, and communities.
  3. Explore views through questions and active listening
  4. Elicit information in culturally appropriate ways that clarify assumptions, concerns, and expectations.
  5. Provide opportunities for full participation and the meaningful integration of input into climate action decisions and actions
  6. Encourage and support the participation of groups typically less engaged, included, and/or empowered in decision making and consultation processes.
  7. Create a greater understanding and commitment to change.
  8. Engage stakeholders to catalyze key decisions to advance climate action across different scales [community, organizational…]
  9. Proactively address and mitigate stakeholder resistance
  10. Build alliances and meaningful relationships
  11. Build trust and rapport with diverse constituents (people, organizations, communities)
  12. Reflect the varied orientations, values, needs, and mandate of relevant rights-holders and stakeholders.
  1. Apply intentional engagement strategies with diverse groups, professions, and cultural groups
  2. Maximize social learning, engagement, and empowerment of rights-holders and stakeholders.
  3. Employ a consultative approach to design engagement strategies
  4. Create synergies between organizational and/or community strategies and objectives and relevant international frameworks
  5. Develop alignment within partner networks and teams.
  6. Incorporate an interdisciplinary orientation and collaboration
  7. Foster a sense of commitment and ownership that translates into action.
  8. Employ a multi-dimensional and intersectional understanding of the perspectives, needs, rights, capacities and concerns of rights-holders.
  9. Engage in dialogue with rights-holders and stakeholders (individuals, communities, organizations and specialists) in the design and implementation of decisions
  10. Tap into the creative potential of affected communities or subpopulations to visualize alternative futures and generate solutions.
  11. Collaborate with identified partners, groups, and communities to achieve defined program objectives
  1. Build a diverse network of partners and stakeholders to identify potential engagement opportunities for climate action
  2. Assess the potential impact of engagement opportunities to advance climate action goals
  3. Prioritize opportunities based on potential impact and climate action goals
  4. Monitor the impact and outcome of engagement opportunities against climate action goals and performance targets
  5. Evaluate the long-term sustainability and scalability of engagement initiatives.
  6. Review and adjust approach for future engagement opportunities based on impact and outcome measurements.


Climate Action Competency Framework V2 (CACFv2) Copyright © by climateaction. All Rights Reserved.

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