Quantify and report the greenhouse gas emissions of financial contribution/investments.
Estimate impact of financial investments on GHGs.
Use/create/distribute GHG data to other financial stakeholders/beneficiaries in a transparent and comparable manner
Gather, input, and handle relevant data
Document and verify data accuracy and quality
Calculate emissions and validate/check calculations (ongoing)
Prepare reports tailored to the needs of various users
Report/disclose data, observations, and analysis (across Scopes) at various levels/contexts
Gather sufficient information + documentation from organization within which the verification is being conducted
Evaluate the sufficiency and appropriateness of validation and verification evidence, including evaluating discrepancies
Use verification findings to facilitate necessary inventory adjustments with organization (if applicable) prior to signing off on the verification
Commit to setting near-term Science-Based Target (SBT)
Develop near-term SBT target
Identify opportunities for mitigation (reduction) across value chain
Implement actions to pursue targets
Measure progress against SBT for validation
Report progress/metrics to relevant stakeholders
Conduct ongoing monitoring, assessment, revision of strategy
Knowledge, Skills, and Attributes. These are defined as things you need to know and be able to do, along with any personal characteristics, values, and other attributes required for the competency or competency area.