Supporting KSAs for this area

Knowledge Of Ability To Attributes
  • Nationally and internationally recognized climate action planning processes
  • Climate action standards and regulations
  • Existing policies, legislation, agreements, and capabilities
  • Think systematically and critically
  • Design and implement decisions in context of change and uncertainty.
  • Address multiple planning horizons and co-benefits.
  • Innovative
  • Critical thinker (incl. skepticism of misinformation)
  • Collaborative


Climate Action Strategy & Planning Competencies
1. React/Follow 2. Act/Apply 3. Anticipate/Initiate/Enable 4. Lead/Strategize
Competency Title Access and interpret relevant climate action strategies Support climate action strategy development Develop climate action strategies Enable the design and implementation of climate action strategies
Competency Statement Access relevant climate action strategies and interpret how they relate to own areas of responsibility and influence Support the development of climate action strategies, initiatives, and decisions within own organization or area of responsibility Develop climate action strategies, initiatives, and decisions aligned with climate objectives. Enable the design and implementation of climate action strategies, initiatives, and decisions.
Performance Criteria
  1. Identify current climate action strategies related to own work and areas of responsibility
  2. Identify own role in implementing and actioning climate action strategies
  3. Research  additional strategies relevant to own areas of responsibility and influence
  4. Use existing climate related strategies to inform the development of own strategy and planning.
  1. Support strategies that drive progress and culture change towards climate action and climate justice objectives
  2. Share relevant information with partners, collaborators, and decision-makers.
  3. Identify opportunities for and barriers to incremental and transformative climate action measures
  4. Consider and minimize potential maladaption outcomes
  5. Evaluate decisions, goals, strategies, policies and procedures.
  6. Identify relevant local, regional, national and policies, procedures and standards
  7. Develop scenarios to support assessment
  8. Apply an integrated risk-management approach (adaptation and mitigation)
  1. Identify climate action strategies and initiatives that drive progress and culture change towards climate action objectives.
  2. Acknowledge the potential need for cross-boundary (geographic, political, disciplinary), cross-sector, and collective strategies, initiatives, and solutions.
  3. Develop decisions, goals, strategies, policies, and procedures for identified climate action strategies.
  4. Apply governance structures that facilitate accountability, transparency, and equity.
  5. Build from and leverage existing sustainability, adaptation, mitigation, and biodiversity research, plans and goals.
  6. Incorporate evidence and lessons learned from Indigenous and Western sciences and knowledge systems into strategy development.
  7. Consider a range of needs, outcomes, and opportunities across multiple planning horizons, multiple beneficiaries, and diverse partners and networks.
  8. Analyse and evaluate alternatives
  1. Ensure strategies and actions are flexible, responsive and address a range of futures.
  2. Leverage national, regional, and local funding opportunities.
  3. Capitalize on opportunities that are themselves adaptive.
  4. Balance environmental, social, economic, and cultural factors.
  5. Employ a diversity and inclusion approach that respects the rights of affected communities or sub-populations
  6. Communicate the subtleties and broader implications (local and global) when evaluating alternatives
  7. Maximize long-term social (intersectional) and ecological resilience, biodiversity, and financial viability
  8. Provide strategic and tactical governance advice to decision-makers
  9. Champion the value and significance of ecosystem-based, sustainable climate measures and strategies
  10. Employ a system and social justice perspective


Climate Action Competency Framework V2 (CACFv2) Copyright © by climateaction. All Rights Reserved.

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