
1 Introduction to Lab Techniques in Exercise Physiology

Learning how to use lab equipment in exercise physiology

Alan Jenks

The key concern in all laboratory operations is ensuring the safety of both the research subjects and the laboratory technicians. Safe laboratory operation depends upon constant vigilance by everyone in the laboratory from the most naive subject to the experienced investigator. Every person in the lab should be trained to quesiton any situation or instruction which migh result in injury.

Safety Considerations for this Lab:

  • Knowledge of task procedure and when to terminate. Participant must be aware of how to communicate termination of activity if needed.
  • Wear appropriate clothing for the lab activity, which is professional and respectful. This includes clean shoes, no dangling jewellery and hair tied back.
  • Act in a manner that facilitates a positive learning environment; students who are disruptive to this will be asked to leave
  • Participant Pre-Screening: Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q+) and Waiver

Emergency Procedures:

Have you witnessed an incident, crime, or something suspicious? Please help our security team by completing the form below, providing as much detail as possible.

  • In the event of an emergency, dial 911. To report a crime, call the RCMP non-emergency number at 604 985 1311.
  • If you wish to anonymously report a crime, which has already happened, you may call the Crime Stoppers at 669-TIPS (669-8477). Anonymity is guaranteed on the Crime Stoppers line.

Participant Pre-Screening

Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR-Q+) and Waiver
Each student and research participant must complete a PAR-Q+ and the lab facilitator, a classmate (>19 years) or the instructor must bear witness to every the client’s signature.

  • If a participant does not clear the PAR-Q+, they may not participate until they have cleared the PAR-Q+. For any questions or concerns, please see the Laboratory Facilitator.
  • If concerns arise the Laboratory Facilitator will be consulted with the course Instructor
  • It is the student’s responsibility to do this.
  • Additionally, each participant who takes place in your research study must complete a Par-Q+.
  • Each student and research participant must also complete a waver, which can be found on Elearn.

Lab Equipment & Safety

  • Treat equipment with respect and clean equipment properly
  • Wear appropriate clothing for the lab activity, which is professional and respectful. This includes clean shoes, no dangling jewellery and hair tied back.
  • Act in a manner that facilitates a positive learning environment; students who are disruptive to this will be asked to leave


  • Students misusing electronics during class/lab time maybe asked to leave
    Preparation for Lab
  • Students may be expected to engage in vigorous physical activity.
  • Appropriate attire is required for all laboratory classes.
  • All students participating in tasks must wear appropriate exercise clothing (T-shirt, shorts, socks and running shoes). Bring sweatshirts and pants for cooler temperatures.
  • NO jeans, sandals or boots, bare mid sections or inappropriate attire.
  • Please remove ‘dangling’ jewellery and have long hair tied back.
  • Bring a notebook to record your observations and results.
  • Be on time. Attendance is mandatory.
  • Make sure that your shoes are clean before entering the laboratory.
  • Anyone who participates in lab activities needs to complete a Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire (PAR Q), see above.
  • This also means that any participants in class projects, who are not in the class, also need to fill one out. Ask your lab instructor for a copy.

Safety Considerations for VO2 Testing

  • Participant MUST be informed on how to terminate testing (rpm<60 or inability to continue)
  • Participants MUST be given an opportunity to become comfortable with the mask (e.g. wear it during a warm-up)
  • Participant MUST be supervised at all times (lab staff should be present during all VO2 testing)
  • Area around treadmill/bike must be clear. Mats should be used whenever possible
  • Test administrator must continually monitor the participant for signs of distress
  • For treadmill testing, continually monitor the location of the participant to ensure they do not move too far back on the treadmill deck
  • VO2 system should be positioned in a location where it does not inhibit the participant and safe should the participant fall during testing (treadmill testing)

(This includes coffees, teas, smoothies, etc.)

Contact Information

First Aid Room: Arbutus Building, room AR016.

  • Phone: 604 984 1763 (24/7 year-round)
  • Email: securityguards@capilanou.ca
  • Location: Arbutus Building, room AR017, next to Cap Card Center, North Vancouver campus


  • Capilano Security: 604 984 1763


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Introduction to Lab Techniques in Exercise Physiology Copyright © 2022 by Alan Jenks is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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