Section 7: Promoting Systemic Change

Fig?.?:  Elder Rose Nahanee (Sesemyia), Member of the Squamish Nation, visiting Elder-in-Residence, speaking to students and employees

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Fig 1.0: Elder Rose Nahanee (Sesemyia), Member of the Squamish Nation, visiting Elder-in-Residence, speaking to students and employees as they attend “Rethinking Representation: Indigenous Women, Storytelling, and Film,” a screening of short films and a panel discussion, on Friday, March 8, 2019. The International Women’s Day event, sponsored by the Women’s and Gender Studies department, featured Doreen Manuel (Director, Bosa Centre for Film and Animation), Dorothy Christian, Ph.D. (Associate Director, Indigenous Initiatives, Teaching and Learning Centre at Simon Fraser University), and Jules Koostachin (Owner, VisJuelles Productions, Inc.). This photo is used under a CC BY 2.0 Generic Licence 


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The Capilano University - Indigenizing the Curriculum Guide Copyright © 2019 by Matthew Michaud is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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