
NOTES and Book Info Backup!

Meet our Elders…What their interests are? What they envision teaching to be….?

What does Indigenizing faculty mean? Ask faculty.

Need to put territory statement in English and their languages


Here are the names of our Elders. I have put their ancestral name in brackets. Rose has agreed to stay on for the Spring term. We will discuss her returning for next academic year once Spring term wraps up.

  • Ernie George (Sla-holt), Member of Tsleil-Waututh Nation, Elder-in-Residence
  • Maurice Nahanee (Latash), Member of the Squamish Nation, Elder-in-Residence
  • Rose Nahanee (Sesemyia), Member of the Squamish Nation, visiting Elder-in-Residence


This goes under About the Book page in front matter:

Adaptation Statement

CapU CTE Indigenizing the Curriculum was adapted by Matthew Michaud from Kory Wilson’s guidebook, Pulling Together: Foundations Guide; and from Bruce Allan, Amy Perreault, John Chenoweth, Dianne Biin, Sharon Hobenshield, Todd Ormiston, Shirley Anne Hardman, Louise Lacerte, Lucas Wright, and Justin Wilson’s guidebook, Guide for Teachers and Instructors; and from Asma-na-hi Antoine, Rachel Mason, Roberta Mason, Sophia Palahicky, and Carmen Rodriguez de France’s guidebook, Pulling Together: A Guide for Curriculum Developers. For information about what was changed in this adaptation, refer to the Copyright statement at the bottom of the home page.


The following is an example of the copyright statement. In Pressbooks, this information is added to the Copyright Notice field on the Book Info page. For an adaptation created using another system, such as Word, this information can be added to the preface or other front matter page of the book.

Copyright Statement

Unless otherwise noted, Pulling Together: Foundations Guide is (c) 2016 by Kory Wilson. The textbook content was produced by Kory Wilson and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except for the following changes and additions, which are (c) 2019 by Matthew Michaud, and are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Unless otherwise noted, Guide for Teachers and Instructors is (c) 2016 by Bruce Allan, Amy Perreault, John Chenoweth, Dianne Biin, Sharon Hobenshield, Todd Ormiston, Shirley Anne Hardman, Louise Lacerte, Lucas Wright, and Justin Wilson.  The textbook content was produced by Bruce Allan, Amy Perreault, John Chenoweth, Dianne Biin, Sharon Hobenshield, Todd Ormiston, Shirley Anne Hardman, Louise Lacerte, Lucas Wright, and Justin Wilson and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except for the following changes and additions, which are (c) 2019 by Matthew Michaud, and are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Unless otherwise noted, Pulling Together: A Guide for Curriculum Developers is (c) 2016 by Asma-na-hi Antoine, Rachel Mason, Roberta Mason, Sophia Palahicky, and Carmen Rodriguez de France. The textbook content was produced by Asma-na-hi Antoine, Rachel Mason, Roberta Mason, Sophia Palahicky, and Carmen Rodriguez de France and is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except for the following changes and additions, which are (c) 2019 by Matthew Michaud, and are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

All examples have been changed to Canadian references, and information throughout the book, as applicable, has been revised to reflect Canadian content.

The following additions have been made to these chapters:

Chapter 4

  • chi-square test and categorical variables
  • null and alternative hypotheses for test of independence

Chapter 8

  • simple linear regression model
  • least squares method
  • coefficient of determination
  • confidence interval for the average of the dependent variable
  • prediction interval for a specific value of the dependent variable

You are free to use or modify (adapt) any of this material providing the terms of the Creative Commons licenses are adhered to.






Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

The Capilano University - Indigenizing the Curriculum Guide Copyright © 2019 by Matthew Michaud is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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