
Grammaire 1: asking questions: interrogative words

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Interrogative words allow us to ask different types of questions and seek specific information.

Mot interrogatif Traduction/explication Exemple
Est-ce que (qu’) + subject + verb Yes or no answer Est-ce que tu travailles? Est-ce qu‘elle travaille aussi?
Qui Who? A person (the subject of an answer) Qui sait la date?
Que (Qu’) + verb + subject What? A thing or activity (the object of the answer) Que fais-tu ce soir? Qu’aimes-tu faire?
Where? The answer is the name of a place or location  habites-tu?
Quand When? The answer is a time or a date Quand vas-tu à l’université?
Comment How? The answer describes a way or manner of doing something Comment va Simon? Comment prépare-t-il son voyage?
Combien (de + nom) How much/many? The answer is a quantity or amount Combien de frères as-tu? Combien est le livre?
Why? The answer will include parce que (because). Pourquoi veux-tu voyager à Paris?


INVERSION (or not)

The question examples in the table above all reverse the order of the subject and verb: this is called an inversion question. When we do this, an hyphen (-) is always put between the verb and the subject pronoun.

Alternatively, we can ask a question by combining an interrogative word (le mot interrogatif) with est-ce que (qu’). When est-ce que (qu’) is used, the subject and verb is reordered as a statement. See examples below. 

Que fais-tu ce soir? Quaimes-tu faire? Qu’est-ce que tu fais ce soir? Qu’est-ce que tu aimes faire?
 habites-tu? est-ce que tu habites?
Quand vas-tu à l’université? Quand est-ce que tu vas à l’université?
Comment va Simon? Comment prépare-t-il son voyage? Comment est-ce que Simon va? Comment est-ce qu‘il prépare son voyage?
etc. etc.



Quel (which or what) is an interrogative adjective, and like all adjectives, agrees in gender and in number with the noun it agrees with (is followed by).


Singulier Pluriel
Masculin quel quels
Féminin quelle quelles


Quel (and its variations) is used either along with a noun or before the verb être (to be):

(a) Quel + noun + verb  (What/Which….)

Quelle heure est-il?   (What time is it?)

[‘heure’ is fem. sing. = quelle]

Quels autobus vont à l’université Capilano? (Which buses go to CapU?)

                                      [‘autobus’ is masc. plur. = quels

Quel âge as-tu?     (literally, what age do you have?)

                                      [‘âge’ is masc. sing. = quel]  


(b) Quel + être  + noun (What is/are…)

Quelle est ton adresse?         (What is your address?)

[‘adresse’ is fem. sing. = quelle

Quelles sont les réponses?   (What are the answers?)

[‘réponses’ is fem. plur. = quelles]  




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