
Grammaire 1: verbes réguliers en -RE et METTRE


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You have already learned regular -er and -ir verbs. Now we will look at a third (and final) group: regular -re verbs. Here is the example of attendre:

Conjugaison du verbe attendre (to wait [for], to expect)

Singulier Pluriel
j’attends nous attendons
tu attends vous attendez
il, elle, on attend ils, elles attendent

The -d at the end of the stem attend- is only pronounced in the plural forms (nous, vous, ils, elles). Notice also that attendre is a faux ami of the English word to attend, as it translates as to wait (for).

To conjugate any regular -re verbs, you need to identify the stem (le radical) by removing -re from the infinitive form (attendre→attend) and remember the six present tense endings specific to -re verbs:  -s,-s,,-ons,-ez,-ent 

Other common regular -re verbs are:

Français Anglais Exemples
entendre to hear Est-ce que tu entends la musique ? Do you hear the music?
descendre to descend, go down, get out of a vehicle Il descend de l’autobus. He gets out of the bus.
perdre to lose, waste Nous perdons souvent les clés. We often lose our keys.
rendre to give back Je rends les livres à la bibliothèque. I give back the books at the library.
répondre to respond Elle répond à la question. She answers the question
tondre to mow Marc tond le gazon. Marc mows the grass.
vendre to sell Ils vendent des tacos au marché. They see tacos at the market.
mordre to bite Les profs ne mordent personne. Les chiens oui. Profs don’t bite anyone. Dogs do.


The verb mettre (to put [on]) is an irregular -re verb that conjugates like attendre except that the t before the -re is dropped in the singular forms:

Conjugaison du verbe mettre (to put [on])

Singulier Pluriel
je mets nous mettons
tu mets vous mettez
il, elle, on met ils, elles mettent

Other verbs that end with -mettre are conjugated in the same ways. These include: permettre (to permit), promettre (to promise), soumettre (to submit) and remettre (to put back, turn in). 


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