
Grammaire 2: pronoms objets directs


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Direct object

A direct object (un objet direct) is a noun — a person or thing — that someone or something acts upon. I.e. Ben eats the pizza. We call ‘the pizza’ a direct object as it is the object of the verb (to eat) and follows the verb directly. A direct object answers the questions what? or whom? I.e. Ben eats what? →The pizza.

In the following examples, you can see how Madeleine or Marc can both assume the roles of subject and object depending on word order:

sujet verbe objet
Madeleine voit Marc.
Madeleine sees Marc.
sujet verbe objet
Marc voit Madeleine.
Marc sees Madeleine.

Direct object pronoun

A direct object pronoun (un pronom objet direct) is used in place of a direct object noun to avoid repetition. In English, for example, I can replace the word pizza with the pronoun it: I eat the pizza ➔ I eat it.

In English, we can replace the names Marc and Madeleine with the direct object pronouns him and her, respectively:

sujet verbe objet
Madeleine sees him.
sujet verbe objet
Marc sees her.

In French, we would use the following pronouns:

Pronoms objets directs:

Français Anglais
me, m’ me
te, t’ you
le, l’ him, it
la, l’ her, it
nous us
vous you
les them

Important notes

(a) Make an elision with me, te, le, la when placed in front of a word beginning with a vowel/mute h.

Le pain? Oui, je l’achète à la boulangerie. […le achète…]

   (The bread? Yes, I purchase it at the bakery.)

(b) In French a direct object pronoun must be placed before the verb for which it is the object.

Sujet Pronom d’objet direct Verbe Traduction
Madeleine le voit Madeleine sees him.
Sujet Pronom d’objet direct Verbe Traduction
Marc la voit Marc sees her.

(c) Just like subject pronouns, the object pronouns must agree in gender and number with the nouns they are replacing. Here some more examples in French:

exemples explication traduction
— Est-ce que tu manges souvent les gâteaux de ta mère ? (Do you eat your mother’s cakes often?)
— Oui, je les mange tout le temps ! [les = gâteaux de ta mère (m., pl.)]  (Yes, I eat them all the time!) [them = my mother’s cakes]
— Tu entends la musique   (Do you hear the music?)
— Oui, je l’entends. [l’ = la = la musique (f., sing.] (Yes, I hear it.) [it = the music]
— Est-ce que tu m’aimes ? 
[m’ = me = moi]
 (Do you love me?)
— Oui, je t’aime beaucoup !
[t’ te = toi]
 (Yes, I love you very much!)


(d) If a verb is followed by an infinitive, the direct object pronoun usually precedes the infinitive of which it is the object.

Pronoms d’objet direct avec constructions infinitives:

Sujet Verbe conjugué Pronom d’objet direct Infinitif Traduction
Marc va la voir Marc is going to see her.

Le devoir de math? Je vais le finir demain.

   (The math homework? I am going to finish it tomorrow.)

Il veut nous inviter.

   (He wants to invite us.)


(e) In a negative sentence, ne precedes the object.

J’aime faire le ménage mais je ne le fais pas tous les jours.

  (I like to housework but I do not do it everyday.) 


Ressources supplémentaires

More practice: Direct objects

Vidéo : Les pronoms compléments directs




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