Learning objectives (section 1)
Learning Objectives
By the end of this section, you will be able to:
- Ask and answer questions (including basic ones about names, origins, date of birth, where you live, personal/academic interests and describing one’s family)
- Use demonstrative adjectives
- Learn the names of public places such as school, plaza, city hall, etc.
Grammatical and linguistic patterns to be used:
Basic verbs (avoir, être, aimer, etc.), notion of gender agreement (ce, cet cette, ces) and interrogative words (comment, combien de, où, pourquoi, quand, qui, est-ce que, quel (and its variations quelle, quels, quelles). Comment (t’appelles-tu) (est ton père/ta mère)? Est-ce que (tu as une grande famille)? Où (habites-tu)? D’où viens-tu? Qu’est-ce que (tu aimes faire) (tu étudies)? Est-ce que tu travailles? Quelle est la date de ton anniversaire?