

Les tâches ménagères (Household tasks)

Français Anglais
arroser (les plantes) to water (the plants)
balayer to sweep
bouillir to boil
(faire) cuire to cook, bake
essuyer le sol to mop the floor
essuyer les assiettes to dry, wipe the dishes
faire la cuisine, cuisiner to cook, prepare meals
faire la lessive to do laundry
faire la vaisselle to do the dishes
faire le lit to make the bed
faire le ménage to do housework
faire les courses to do the shopping
faire les devoirs to do homework
faire réparer la voiture to get the car repaired
jardiner to garden
nettoyer to clean
passer l’aspirateur to vacuum
ranger to straighten up, put in order, tidy up
réchauffer to reheat, to warm up
repasser (des vêtements) to iron (clothes)
s’occuper de to take care of
sortir la poubelle to take out the garbage
sortir les ordures to take out the trash
tondre le gazon to mow the lawn


As you can see, many of these chores do not match up evenly to their English equivalents. Here are some examples:

  1. nettoyer vs. ranger vs. laver

Laver means to wash (like hands, clothes and dishes), nettoyer means to clean (like floors, ovens, and counters), and ranger means to clean up, tidy up or arrange (like the bedroom, living room, or closet). Certain types of cleaning and washing do not use these verbs at all. Instead we use expressions with fairefaire la lessivefaire la vaissellefaire le lit, etc.

  1. cuire vs. cuisiner

Cuisiner or faire la cuisine mean to do the cooking, to prepare meals. Cuire or faire cuire refers to the actual cooking (or heating up) of food: faire bouillir (to boil), faire griller (to grill), faire frire (to fry), faire cuire à la vapeur (to steam), mettre au four (to put in the oven), etc.



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