Acknowledgment and context
This OER text is the second one produced for Capilano University’s Beginner French Language and Culture courses (the first one being
I started this project in the Spring of 2024 with the hope of removing price barriers for CapU students and ensure everyone has access to the required textbook from the first day of the semester.
I want to thank the Centre for Teaching Excellence as these two textbooks would not exist without their invaluable assistance. In all cases, the content has been highly modified and reorganized. All errors or omissions are mine alone. Do alert me if you see something missing/not making sense as this is a work in project and will benefit the CapU community.
This text contains material from four OER sources:
French OER 2, originally released under CC BY-NC 4.0 license
French OER 1, originally released under CC BY-NC 4.0 license
Liberté, originally released under CC BY-NC-SA,
Français Interactif, originally released under CC BY 3.0.
Catherine Gloor
French Department, Capilano University
May 2024