Appendix E: Before & after document example

The following is an example of a document that has been revised and redesigned to meet plain language and plain design guidelines.


Original Press Release with annotations
Figure 6. An example of a document before plain language and plain design guidelines have been applied.


The sample document after plain language and plain design guidelines have been applied.
Figure 7. The sample document after plain language and plain design guidelines have been applied.


The back of the sample document after plain language and plain design guidelines have been applied.
Figure 8. The back of the sample document after plain language and plain design guidelines have been applied.

For your convenience, you can access a copy of the documents here: Original Photo Waiver and Release [.pdf] and Revised Photo Waiver and Release [.pdf]. These will open in a new window.


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Plain Language and Design for Post-Secondary Copyright © 2023 by debnielsen and worfolkm is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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