6. Designing your document

The objectives of plain design (like plain language) are:

  • to present information in a clear, organized way
  • to improve readability (how easily a document can be understood)
  • to increase or support the reader’s understanding of the text

The objectives of plain design (like plain language) are to present information in a clear, organized way; to improve readability (how easily a document can be understood); and to increase or support the reader's understanding of the text

Figure 5. Objectives of plain design

You are trying to create a document that is visually appealing and easy to read.

When you design your document, think about:

  • how and where you will place text and images on the page
  • which typefaces (fonts) you will use
  • what colours you will use, and where
  • what images you will use


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Plain Language and Design for Post-Secondary Copyright © 2023 by debnielsen and worfolkm is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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