Dr. Aubrey Neil Leveridge
- Access (获取)
English: The ability of individuals and groups to fully participate in and benefit from institutional resources, opportunities, and systems. It involves removing barriers that have historically limited engagement for marginalized or underrepresented groups.
Chinese: 个人和群体充分参与并从机构资源、机会和系统中受益的能力。它涉及消除历史上限制边缘化或代表性不足群体参与的障碍。
- Accountability (责任)
English: The obligation to take responsibility for actions, especially when AI systems produce harmful or incorrect outcomes.
Chinese: 对行为承担责任的义务,特别是在AI系统产生有害或不正确结果时。
- Advocacy (倡导)
The act of publicly supporting or recommending a particular cause, policy, or course of action.
公开支持或推荐某个特定原因、政策或行动的行为。 - AI Usage Scale (AI使用等级)
English: A tool developed to measure the extent of AI assistance in academic or professional work, helping to ensure ethical use.
Chinese: 一个衡量学术或专业工作中AI使用程度的工具,帮助确保AI的伦理使用。
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) (人工智能)
English: Technology that enables machines to simulate human intelligence processes such as learning, reasoning, and problem-solving.
Chinese: 使机器能够模拟人类智能过程的技术,如学习、推理和解决问题。
- Audience Analysis (受众分析)
The process of identifying and understanding the characteristics, interests, and needs of different audience groups to tailor communication effectively.
识别并理解不同受众群体的特征、兴趣和需求,以便有效地定制沟通内容的过程。 - Audience Engagement (观众参与)
English: Techniques used to keep the audience actively involved and interested during a presentation, such as questions, interactive tools, or storytelling.
Chinese: 在演讲过程中保持观众积极参与和兴趣的技巧,如提问、互动工具或讲故事。
- Authority (权威)
English: The use of expert knowledge, credible sources, or respected figures to influence an audience.
Chinese: 利用专家知识、可信来源或受人尊敬的人物来影响受众。
- Backcountry (偏远野外地区)
Definition: Remote, undeveloped areas of wilderness, often used for hiking, camping, and outdoor recreation, usually without roads or human infrastructure.
Chinese Translation: 偏远的、未经开发的荒野区域,通常用于徒步、露营和户外活动,通常没有道路或人类基础设施。 - Bar Chart (柱状图)
English: A visual representation that uses bars to compare quantities across different categories.
Chinese: 一种使用柱形来比较不同类别数量的图表。
- Barriers (障碍)
English: Factors that prevent individuals from fully participating or accessing opportunities, often due to biases, systemic inequities, or lack of accessibility.
Chinese: 阻止个人充分参与或获得机会的因素,通常由于偏见、系统性不平等或缺乏可访问性。
- Bias (偏见)
English: Unfairness in AI outcomes caused by the presence of prejudiced data or flawed algorithms.
Chinese: 由带有偏见的数据或有缺陷的算法导致的AI结果中的不公平现象。
- Body Language (肢体语言)
English: Non-verbal communication through gestures, posture, and facial expressions that enhances or detracts from a speaker’s message.
Chinese: 通过手势、姿势和面部表情进行的非语言交流,增强或削弱演讲者信息的传达。
- Budget (预算)
English: The financial plan for a project, detailing the allocation of resources for various tasks and expenses.
Chinese: 项目的财务计划,详细说明资源在不同任务和开支中的分配。
- Building Credibility (建立可信度)
English: Establishing trust and demonstrating authority on a subject, making your audience more likely to accept your message.
Chinese: 建立信任并展示在某个主题上的权威性,使受众更可能接受您的信息。
- Call to Action (行动号召)
English: A statement or directive at the end of a presentation that encourages the audience to take a specific action or make a decision.
Chinese: 演讲结尾时的声明或指令,鼓励观众采取具体行动或做出决定。
- Ceremony (仪式)
English: A formal religious or cultural event involving specific rituals, often to honor or mark an important occasion.
Chinese: 一种正式的宗教或文化活动,通常通过特定的仪式来纪念或庆祝重要事件。
- Channel (渠道)
The medium through which a message is transmitted, such as written reports, verbal communication, or visual aids like graphs or charts.
消息传递的媒介,例如书面报告、口头交流或图表等视觉辅助工具。 - Chinook Effect (奇努克效应)
Definition: A warm, dry wind that flows down the slopes of mountain ranges, particularly in western North America, leading to rapid temperature increases and snowmelt.
Chinese Translation: 一种温暖、干燥的风,主要发生在北美西部山区的迎风坡,使气温迅速上升并导致积雪融化。 - Closing (收尾阶段)
English: The final stage of a project where outcomes are delivered, and the project is completed.
Chinese: 项目的最后阶段,交付成果并完成项目。
- Co-Authoring with AI (与AI共同创作)
English: A collaboration between a human and AI where the AI generates significant parts of a document, requiring the human to review and ensure the final product reflects original thought.
Chinese: 人类与AI之间的合作,AI生成文档的主要部分,人类需要审查并确保最终产品反映原创思想。
- Cognitive Bias (认知偏差)
English: Systematic patterns of deviation from rationality in judgment, where individuals create their own subjective reality from their perception of the input.
Chinese: 判断中系统性地偏离理性模式,个人根据对输入的感知创造自己的主观现实。
- Collaborative Land Management (协作土地管理)
English: A management practice where multiple stakeholders, including Indigenous communities, work together to manage and sustain natural resources.
Chinese: 多个利益相关者(包括原住民社区)共同管理和维持自然资源的管理实践。
- Collaborative Problem Solving (协作解决问题)
The process of working together with a team to find solutions, particularly in fieldwork or conservation projects.
与团队合作寻找解决方案的过程,尤其是在田野工作或保护项目中。 - Communication Channel (传播渠道)
The medium through which a message is delivered (e.g., social media, email, speech).
消息传递的媒介(例如社交媒体、电子邮件、演讲)。 - Communication Process (交流过程)
The steps involved in conveying information from a sender to a receiver, including elements such as the message, feedback, and noise.
将信息从发送者传递给接收者的步骤,包括消息、反馈和干扰等要素。 - Conclusion (结论)
English: The final part of a communication or report that summarizes key points and often includes a call to action or final thought.
Chinese: 沟通或报告的最后部分,总结关键点,通常包括行动号召或最后的想法。
- Consensus Building (共识建立)
English: A process of reaching an agreement that is acceptable to all parties involved, often used in decision-making within Indigenous communities.
Chinese: 达成所有相关方都能接受的协议的过程,通常用于原住民社区中的决策。
- Consistency (一致性)
English: Encouraging people to act in a way that aligns with their previous beliefs or actions.
Chinese: 鼓励人们采取与其先前信念或行为一致的方式行动。
- Context (环境背景)
The circumstances in which communication occurs, including environmental, social, or political factors.
沟通发生的背景,包括环境、社会或政治因素。 - Critical Thinking (批判性思维)
The ability to assess information critically by evaluating arguments, identifying biases, and using evidence.
通过评估论点、识别偏见并使用证据来批判性地评估信息的能力。 - Cultural Competency (文化能力)
The ability to understand, respect, and communicate effectively with people from diverse cultural backgrounds.
理解、尊重并与来自不同文化背景的人有效沟通的能力。 - Cultural Keystone Species (文化基石物种)
Definition: A species that plays a crucial role in the culture, identity, and traditions of a community, often influencing diet, spirituality, and land use.
Chinese Translation: 对一个社区的文化、身份认同和传统至关重要的物种,通常影响饮食、精神信仰和土地利用。 - Cultural Sensitivity (文化敏感性)
English: Awareness and understanding of cultural differences, which is essential when engaging with diverse communities, including Indigenous groups.
Chinese: 对文化差异的意识和理解,在与多元化社区(包括原住民群体)互动时至关重要。
- Data Commentary (数据评论)
English: An analysis and explanation of data presented through visuals, including the interpretation of trends and key insights.
Chinese: 对通过可视化展示的数据进行分析和解释,包括对趋势和关键见解的解读。
- Data Presentation (数据展示)
English: The method of organizing and displaying data visually, such as through charts, graphs, and infographics, to make information more accessible and understandable.
Chinese: 通过图表、图形和信息图等视觉方式组织和展示数据,使信息更加易于理解。
- Deforestation (森林砍伐)
English: The process of clearing forests for non-forest uses, such as agriculture or urban development. This often leads to significant environmental changes.
Chinese: 为农业或城市开发等非森林用途清除森林的过程。这通常会导致显著的环境变化。
- Delivery (演讲方式)
English: The way a speaker presents their message, including tone of voice, body language, and pacing.
Chinese: 演讲者传达信息的方式,包括语音语调、肢体语言和节奏。
- Depth of Information (信息深度)
The level of detail or complexity included in the content being communicated, often adjusted based on the audience's expertise.
被传达内容的细节或复杂性水平,通常根据受众的专业知识进行调整。 - Digital Access (数字访问)
English: The ability to access and use digital tools, platforms, and information, ensuring that technology is inclusive and accessible to all.
Chinese: 访问和使用数字工具、平台和信息的能力,确保技术对所有人都是包容和可访问的。
- Diversity (多样性)
English: Differences in the lived experiences and perspectives of people, which can include race, ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and more.
Chinese: 人们在生活经历和观点上的差异,可能包括种族、民族、性别、年龄、性取向、社会经济地位等。
- Ecological Literacy (生态素养)
The ability to understand ecological principles and the natural systems that support life on Earth.
理解生态原理和支撑地球生命的自然系统的能力。 - Emotional Appeal (Pathos) (情感诉求)
English: A rhetorical appeal that targets the emotions of the audience to persuade or motivate them.
Chinese: 一种旨在激发受众情感的修辞手法,以说服或激励他们。
- Emotional Appeals (Pathos) (情感诉求)
English: A rhetorical technique used to engage the audience’s emotions, encouraging a deeper connection with the message.
Chinese: 一种修辞手法,用于引发观众的情感,从而与信息建立更深层次的联系。
- Empathy (同理心)
English: The ability to understand and share the feelings of others, which is crucial in fostering effective communication and collaboration.
Chinese: 理解并分享他人感受的能力,这是促进有效沟通和合作的重要因素。
- Engagement Hook (吸引注意的引子)
English: An opening statement or question used to grab the audience's attention at the beginning of a presentation or communication.
Chinese: 在演示或沟通开始时用于吸引观众注意的开场声明或问题。
- Environmental Ethics (环境伦理)
The study of moral principles guiding how humans interact with the environment and natural world.
指导人类与环境和自然世界互动的道德原则的研究。 - Environmental Impact (环境影响)
English: The effect a project has on the environment, which must be monitored and managed throughout the project lifecycle.
Chinese: 项目对环境的影响,必须在项目生命周期内监测和管理。
- Environmental Psychology (环境心理学)
The study of how people perceive and interact with their environment and how this affects their behavior and well-being.
研究人们如何感知并与环境互动,以及这如何影响他们的行为和幸福感的学科。 - Equity (公平)
English: Achieving parity in policy, process, and outcomes for historically underrepresented or marginalized groups, considering power, access, opportunities, and outcomes.
Chinese: 在政策、过程和结果方面实现历史上代表性不足或边缘化群体的平等,考虑权力、机会、获得和结果。
- Equity-Mindedness (公平意识)
English: The awareness and willingness to address and rectify equity issues, considering representational and resource equity.
Chinese: 意识到并愿意解决和纠正公平问题,考虑代表性和资源公平。
- Ethical AI (伦理AI)
English: The practice of using AI in ways that are transparent, fair, and respectful of privacy, accountability, and human rights.
Chinese: 以透明、公正和尊重隐私、责任和人权的方式使用AI的实践。
- Ethical AI Usage (伦理AI使用)
English: The responsible and transparent use of AI technologies, ensuring that AI tools are employed in a way that respects privacy, fairness, and accountability.
Chinese: 负责任且透明地使用AI技术,确保AI工具以尊重隐私、公平和责任的方式使用。
- Ethics in Persuasion (说服中的伦理)
English: The responsibility to persuade in a manner that is honest, transparent, and respectful, avoiding manipulation or deception.
Chinese: 以诚实、透明和尊重的方式进行说服的责任,避免操纵或欺骗。
- Ethos (Credibility) (道德诉求/信誉)
English: A rhetorical appeal based on the character or credibility of the speaker.
Chinese: 基于讲话者性格或信誉的修辞诉求。
- Execution (执行阶段)
English: The phase of project management where the plan is put into action, and tasks are completed.
Chinese: 项目管理中计划付诸实施并完成任务的阶段。
- Explainability (可解释性)
English: The ability to explain how AI systems make decisions, ensuring transparency in AI processes.
Chinese: 解释AI系统如何做出决策的能力,确保AI过程的透明性。
- Eye Contact (眼神交流)
English: The act of looking directly at audience members during a presentation to build connection and maintain engagement.
Chinese: 演讲过程中直接与观众进行目光接触,以建立联系并保持参与感。
- Eye Contact (眼神接触)
English: A form of non-verbal communication where maintaining direct visual contact with an audience helps to build connection and trust.
Chinese: 一种非语言沟通形式,通过与观众保持直接的视觉接触来建立联系和信任。
- Facial Expressions (面部表情)
English: Non-verbal communication that uses facial movements to express emotions, reinforce messages, or engage the audience.
Chinese: 使用面部动作来表达情感、强化信息或吸引观众的非语言沟通。
- Fairness (公平性)
English: Ensuring that AI systems treat all individuals or groups equally, without bias or discrimination.
Chinese: 确保AI系统对所有个人或群体一视同仁,没有偏见或歧视。
- Feedback (反馈)
English: The response or reaction from the audience, which provides information about how well the message was understood.
Chinese: 观众的回应或反应,提供有关信息理解效果的反馈。
- Fieldwork (田野工作)
Practical, on-site research conducted outside of a lab or office, typically involving data collection, surveys, or environmental assessments.
在实验室或办公室之外进行的实地研究,通常涉及数据收集、调查或环境评估。 - Framework for Power, Privilege, and Accessibility (权力、特权和可访问性的框架)
English: A structured approach to understanding and addressing the dynamics of power, privilege, and barriers to accessibility within communication and collaboration.
Chinese: 一种结构化的方法,用于理解和解决沟通与合作中权力、特权和可访问性障碍的动态。
- Gantt Chart (甘特图)
English: A visual project management tool that displays the timeline of tasks and milestones to ensure progress.
Chinese: 一种项目管理的可视化工具,用于显示任务和里程碑的时间表以确保项目进展。
- Gatekeepers (把关人)
Individuals or groups who control access to information or decide which messages get passed on to the primary audience, such as editors or regulatory bodies.
控制信息访问或决定哪些信息传递给主要受众的个人或群体,例如编辑或监管机构。 - Gestures (手势)
English: Movements of the hands or arms that emphasize key points during communication and enhance audience engagement.
Chinese: 手或手臂的动作,用于在沟通过程中强调要点并增强观众参与感。
- Hook (引子)
English: An engaging opening statement, question, or story used at the start of a presentation to capture the audience's attention.
Chinese: 在演示开始时使用的引人入胜的开场陈述、问题或故事,以吸引观众的注意力。
- Inclusion (包容)
English: An active, intentional, and continuous process to build a community that addresses inequities in power and privilege, ensuring welcoming spaces for all.
Chinese: 一种积极、故意和持续的过程,旨在建立一个解决权力和特权不平等问题的社区,确保为所有人提供欢迎的空间。
- Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) (原住民知识体系)
English: The cumulative body of knowledge, practices, and beliefs developed by Indigenous peoples through their interaction with the environment, often passed down through generations.
Chinese: 原住民通过与环境互动发展出来的知识、实践和信仰的累积体系,通常通过代际传承。
- Infographic (信息图)
English: A graphic that combines visuals, icons, and text to present data and tell a story in an engaging way.
Chinese: 结合视觉、图标和文本的图形,以一种吸引人的方式展示数据并讲述故事。
- Initiation (启动阶段)
English: The first stage of project management where the project's scope, goals, and stakeholders are defined.
Chinese: 项目管理的第一个阶段,定义项目的范围、目标和利益相关者。
- Intellectual Property Rights (知识产权)
English: Legal rights protecting the creations of individuals or communities, including Indigenous knowledge.
Chinese: 保护个人或社区创作的法律权利,包括原住民的知识。
- Interactive Elements (互动元素)
English: Techniques like audience polling, questions, or participation activities that involve the audience and encourage engagement.
Chinese: 通过观众投票、提问或参与活动等方式,使观众参与并激发参与感的技巧。
- Interactive Tools (互动工具)
English: Tools such as iClickers, live polls, or Q&A sessions that engage the audience and encourage participation.
Chinese: 互动工具如iClickers、现场投票或问答环节,能使观众参与并鼓励互动。
- Intergenerational Knowledge Transfer (跨代知识传承)
English: The process of passing down knowledge, skills, and traditions from one generation to the next, often seen in Indigenous cultures.
Chinese: 将知识、技能和传统从一代传递到下一代的过程,通常见于原住民文化。
- Interpersonal Bias (人际偏见)
English: Bias that occurs during interactions between individuals, which may affect communication, decision-making, and relationships.
Chinese: 在个人之间的互动中发生的偏见,可能影响沟通、决策和关系。
- Intersectionality (交叉性)
English: The interconnected nature of social categorizations such as race, class, disability, sexual orientation, and gender identity, creating overlapping systems of discrimination or disadvantage.
Chinese: 社会分类的相互联系,例如种族、阶级、残疾、性取向和性别认同,创造了重叠的歧视或劣势系统。
- Key Message (关键信息)
English: The main point or takeaway that the presenter wants the audience to remember after the presentation.
Chinese: 演讲者希望观众在演讲后记住的主要观点或结论。
- Landslide-Prone Areas (滑坡易发区)
Definition: Geographic locations where soil and rock movement is a major environmental hazard due to steep slopes, heavy rainfall, or human activities.
Chinese Translation: 由于陡峭的坡度、大量降雨或人类活动,土壤和岩石移动风险较高的地区,易发生滑坡等地质灾害。 - Line Graph (折线图)
English: A graph that uses lines to show trends over time, often used for tracking continuous data.
Chinese: 使用线条显示时间趋势的图表,通常用于跟踪连续数据。
- Logos (Logical Appeal) (逻辑诉求)
English: A rhetorical appeal that uses facts, statistics, and logical reasoning to persuade an audience.
Chinese: 使用事实、统计数据和逻辑推理来说服受众的修辞手法。
- Marginalization (边缘化)
English: The process by which individuals or groups are excluded from power and resources, often considered less valuable or significant in mainstream society.
Chinese: 将个人或群体排除在权力和资源之外的过程,通常在主流社会中被视为不那么有价值或重要。
- Medium (介质)
The channel used to transmit a message from the sender to the receiver.
用于将消息从发送者传递给接收者的渠道。 - Medium (媒介)
The channel through which a message is communicated, such as reports, presentations, or digital platforms.
传达信息的渠道,例如报告、演示或数字平台。 - Message (信息)
The content or information that is being communicated.
正在传递的内容或信息。 - Microaggression (微侵犯)
English: Subtle, often unintentional discriminatory actions or remarks that reinforce negative stereotypes or biases about marginalized groups.
Chinese: 微妙且通常是无意的歧视性行为或言论,强化了对边缘化群体的负面刻板印象或偏见。
- Milestones (里程碑)
English: Key points or achievements in a project that mark progress and serve as checkpoints toward completion.
Chinese: 项目中的关键节点或成就,标志着进展并作为完成的检查点。
- Modulation (语调变化)
English: Varying the pitch, tone, and pace of speech during a presentation to maintain interest and emphasize key points.
Chinese: 在演讲过程中通过改变语调、音调和语速来保持兴趣并强调关键点。
- Monitoring (监控阶段)
English: The stage where project progress is tracked, and adjustments are made to ensure timelines and objectives are met.
Chinese: 跟踪项目进度并进行调整以确保达到时间表和目标的阶段。
- Noise (干扰)
Any interference that distorts or disrupts the message during communication.
在沟通过程中扭曲或干扰信息的任何因素。 - Non-Verbal Communication (非语言沟通)
English: Communication that occurs without words, such as through facial expressions, body language, and gestures.
Chinese: 通过面部表情、肢体语言和手势等方式进行的无需言语的沟通。
- Oppression (压迫)
English: The systemic nature of social inequality woven into social institutions and individual consciousness, reinforcing patterns of mistreatment against marginalized groups.
Chinese: 社会不平等的系统性存在,贯穿于社会机构和个人意识中,加强了对边缘化群体的压迫性对待模式。
- Oral Tradition (口头传统)
English: A method of preserving and passing down knowledge, stories, and cultural practices through spoken word rather than written text.
Chinese: 通过口头传承而不是书面文字来保存和传递知识、故事和文化习俗的方法。
- Pacing (语速)
English: The speed at which a person speaks, which can be adjusted to maintain audience interest and highlight key points.
Chinese: 人说话的速度,可以调整以保持观众兴趣并突出要点。
- Pie Chart (饼图)
English: A circular chart divided into sectors, illustrating proportions or percentages of a whole.
Chinese: 一个圆形图表,分成若干扇区,展示整体的比例或百分比。
- Pitch (音调)/(提案)
English: The highness or lowness of a speaker’s voice used to convey emotion or highlight important points.
Chinese: 演讲者声音的高低,用于传达情感或强调重要点。
English: The act of presenting an idea, proposal, or plan to an audience with the goal of persuading them to support or approve it.
Chinese: 向受众展示一个想法、提案或计划,目的是说服他们支持或批准。 - Pitch and Tone (音调和语气)
English: Variations in the speaker’s voice to emphasize points, convey emotion, and maintain audience interest during communication.
Chinese: 演讲者通过声音变化来强调要点、传达情感并保持观众兴趣的技巧。
- Place Attachment (地方依恋)
An emotional bond between people and specific places, which can affect how they respond to environmental changes or conservation efforts.
人们与特定地点之间的情感纽带,这可能会影响他们对环境变化或保护努力的反应。 - Planning (规划阶段)
English: The stage where detailed steps, resources, and timelines are outlined to ensure the project is organized and ready for execution.
Chinese: 详细规划步骤、资源和时间表的阶段,以确保项目组织和准备就绪。
- Positionality (位置性)
English: The recognition of an individual's social and personal identity and how it shapes their perspectives, biases, and the research process.
Chinese: 认识到个人的社会和个人身份以及它如何塑造他们的视角、偏见和研究过程。
- Positive Body Language (积极的肢体语言)
English: Gestures and movements that convey confidence and openness, such as standing tall, using hand gestures, and moving naturally on stage.
Chinese: 表达自信和开放的手势和动作,如站直、使用手势和在舞台上自然移动。
- Post-Mortem (项目复盘)
English: A review meeting held after a project is completed to analyze what worked well and what could be improved.
Chinese: 项目完成后举行的审查会议,分析成功之处和需要改进的地方。
- Posture (姿势)
English: The way you hold your body during communication, which can convey confidence, openness, or disengagement.
Chinese: 你在沟通过程中保持身体姿势的方式,可能传达自信、开放或不感兴趣。
- Power (权力)
English: The ability or authority to influence others and make decisions. Power dynamics can affect communication, collaboration, and inclusivity.
Chinese: 影响他人并做出决策的能力或权威。权力动态会影响沟通、合作和包容性。
- Power with (集体权力)
English: Power used in the context of building collective strength through collaboration and shared goals.
Chinese: 在通过合作和共同目标建立集体力量的背景下使用的权力。
- Power within (内在力量)
English: An individual’s internal strength, which refers to the personal power or self-confidence to take action or make decisions.
Chinese: 个人的内在力量,指的是采取行动或做决定的个人力量或自信心。
- Practice (练习)
English: Rehearsing a presentation multiple times to refine timing, content delivery, and transitions, improving overall performance.
Chinese: 多次排练演讲,以优化时间安排、内容传达和过渡,从而提升整体表现。
- Primary Audience (主要受众)
The main group or individuals that a communication effort is intended for, such as decision-makers or stakeholders in a project.
一项沟通活动的主要目标群体或个人,例如决策者或项目中的利益相关者。 - Primary Audience (主要观众)
English: The main group of people the communication is directed toward, often those who have a direct stake or interest in the message.
Chinese: 主要的沟通对象群体,通常是对信息有直接利益或兴趣的人群。
- Privacy (隐私)
English: The right to protect personal data and sensitive information when using AI systems.
Chinese: 在使用AI系统时保护个人数据和敏感信息的权利。
- Privilege (特权)
English: Unearned advantages or rights granted to certain groups or individuals based on characteristics like race, gender, or socioeconomic status.
Chinese: 基于种族、性别或社会经济地位等特征授予某些群体或个人的不劳而获的优势或权利。
- Privilege and Power Wheel (权力和特权轮)
English: A framework that illustrates how different identities and social positions (e.g., gender, race, disability) are associated with varying levels of privilege and power in society.
Chinese: 一个框架,展示了不同的身份和社会地位(例如性别、种族、残疾)如何与社会中的不同特权和权力水平相关联。
- Project Management (项目管理)
English: The process of organizing, planning, and overseeing projects to ensure successful execution, especially in collaborative and resource-intensive environments.
Chinese: 组织、规划和监督项目的过程,以确保项目成功执行,特别是在需要协作和资源密集的环境中。
- Public Perception (公众认知)
How the public understands and interprets environmental issues, which can be shaped by communication.
公众对环境问题的理解和解释,可以通过沟通进行塑造。 - Purpose Statement (目的声明)
English: A clear explanation of why you are communicating. It typically outlines the objective of the report or message.
Chinese: 对沟通目的的清晰解释。它通常概述报告或信息的目标。
- Receiver (接收者)
The individual or group for whom the message is intended.
消息传递的目标个人或群体。 - Reciprocity (互惠)
English: A principle in Indigenous knowledge systems that emphasizes giving back in exchange for knowledge, resources, or benefits.
Chinese: 在原住民知识系统中强调以回报方式交换知识、资源或利益的原则。
- Reciprocity (互惠原则)
English: The principle that people are more likely to comply with a request if they have received something in return.
Chinese: 如果人们得到回报,他们更有可能同意请求的原则。
- Representational Equity (代表性公平)
English: Proportional participation of all groups at all levels within an institution, ensuring that marginalized groups have a voice and representation.
Chinese: 在机构的所有层面上所有群体的比例性参与,确保边缘化群体拥有发言权和代表性。
- Resource Allocation (资源分配)
English: The process of assigning available resources (e.g., time, personnel, budget) to various tasks within a project.
Chinese: 将可用资源(例如时间、人力、预算)分配给项目中各项任务的过程。
- Respectful Dialogue (尊重的对话)
English: A form of communication that prioritizes mutual respect, active listening, and consideration of all perspectives.
Chinese: 一种优先考虑相互尊重、积极倾听和包容所有观点的沟通形式。
- Rhetorical Appeals (修辞诉求)
English: Persuasive strategies based on ethos (credibility), pathos (emotion), and logos (logic) that influence an audience.
Chinese: 基于信誉(ethos)、情感(pathos)和逻辑(logos)的说服策略,影响受众。
- Rhetorical Questions (反问句)
English: Questions asked to make the audience think about a topic without expecting a direct answer, used to engage and provoke thought.
Chinese: 提出让观众思考某个话题但不期望直接回答的问题,用于吸引和引发思考。
- Right-of-Way (ROW) (通行权/使用权)
Definition: A legal designation that grants permission to use a specific land area for transportation, utilities, or natural resource access, often regulated by government agencies.
Chinese Translation: 一种法律规定,允许在特定土地区域用于交通、公共设施或自然资源开发,通常由政府机构监管。 - Rightsholders (权利持有者)
English: Individuals or groups with legal or moral rights to a certain resource or decision, such as Indigenous communities.
Chinese: 对某一资源或决策拥有法律或道德权利的个人或群体,例如土著社区。
- Riparian Zone (河岸带)
Definition: The area of land adjacent to rivers, streams, and lakes that provides critical habitat for wildlife, helps prevent erosion, and supports water quality.
Chinese Translation: 紧邻河流、溪流和湖泊的土地区域,为野生动植物提供重要栖息地,防止水土流失,并有助于维护水质。 - Scarcity (稀缺性)
English: The persuasive principle that people are more likely to act when they believe resources or opportunities are limited.
Chinese: 当人们认为资源或机会有限时,他们更有可能采取行动的说服原则。
- Secondary Audience (次要受众)
People or groups who are not the main focus of the communication but who may still be interested in or affected by the message.
不是沟通的主要目标群体,但可能对信息感兴趣或受到信息影响的个人或群体。 - Selective Cutting (选择性砍伐)
English: A sustainable forestry practice where only certain trees are harvested to maintain forest health, as opposed to clear-cutting.
Chinese: 一种可持续的林业实践,只砍伐某些树木以维持森林健康,而不是清除所有树木。
- Sender (发送者)
The originator of the message in the communication process.
在沟通过程中发起消息的个人或群体。 - Shadow Audience (影子受众)
An unintended audience who might encounter or interact with the message, often through public platforms like social media.
可能意外接触或与信息互动的非预期受众,通常通过社交媒体等公共平台。 - Signposts (提示词)
English: Phrases or sentences that help guide the audience through a presentation or communication, showing where they are in the structure.
Chinese: 帮助引导观众理解演示或沟通结构的短语或句子,告诉他们当前在内容结构中的位置。
- Social Inequality (社会不平等)
English: The unequal distribution of resources, opportunities, and privileges in society, often reinforced by systemic and institutional structures.
Chinese: 资源、机会和特权在社会中的不平等分配,通常由系统性和制度性结构加强。
- Social Proof (社会认同)
English: A persuasive technique where people are more likely to follow the actions of others, especially in uncertain situations.
Chinese: 一种说服技巧,尤其是在不确定的情况下,人们更有可能遵循他人的行为。
- Socio-Political Context (社会政治背景)
The broader social and political environment that influences communication and decision-making in natural resource management.
影响自然资源管理中的沟通和决策的更广泛的社会和政治环境。 - Socio-Political Landscape (社会政治格局)
The complex social and political environment influencing how natural resources are managed.
影响自然资源管理的复杂社会和政治环境 - Staging (信息编排)
English: The process of organizing a message or communication to flow logically from one point to the next, ensuring clarity and engagement.
Chinese: 将信息或沟通逻辑地从一个要点到下一个要点的编排过程,确保清晰性和吸引力。
- Stakeholder (利益相关者)
Individuals or groups with an interest in the outcome of a project or policy, such as local communities, businesses, or environmental organizations.
对项目或政策的结果感兴趣的个人或群体,例如当地社区、企业或环境组织。 - Stakeholder Engagement (利益相关者参与)
English: The process of involving individuals or groups that have an interest or are impacted by the project to ensure their input is considered.
Chinese: 涉及对项目有兴趣或受到项目影响的个人或团体的过程,确保考虑他们的意见。
- Stakeholder Mapping (利益相关者分析)
The process of identifying and understanding the interests, power dynamics, and concerns of individuals or groups involved in or affected by a project.
识别并理解参与或受到项目影响的个人或群体的利益、权力动态和关注点的过程。 - Stakeholders (利益相关者)
English: Individuals or groups that have an interest or stake in the outcome of a project or decision, including those who are affected by or can influence the result.
Chinese: 对项目或决策结果有兴趣或影响的个人或群体,包括那些受到影响或能够影响结果的人。
- Storytelling (讲故事)
English: The use of stories or anecdotes in communication to make abstract ideas more relatable and engaging for the audience.
Chinese: 在沟通中使用故事或轶事,使抽象概念更具关联性并吸引观众的注意力。
- Subsistence Fishing (自给性渔业)
Definition: Fishing primarily for personal or community consumption rather than commercial sale, often practiced by Indigenous and rural communities.
Chinese Translation: 主要用于个人或社区消费,而非商业销售的捕鱼方式,通常由原住民或农村社区采用。 - Sustainable Logging (可持续伐木)
English: A forestry practice that seeks to harvest timber in a way that does not harm the environment or deplete resources, ensuring long-term forest health.
Chinese: 一种林业实践,旨在以不损害环境或消耗资源的方式进行伐木,确保长期的森林健康。
- Sustainable Resource Management (可持续资源管理)
English: Practices designed to manage resources in a way that meets current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet theirs.
Chinese: 一种管理资源的实践,旨在满足当前需求的同时,不影响未来几代人满足其需求的能力。
- Symbolism (象征主义)
English: The use of symbols, often drawn from nature, to represent deeper meanings and values in Indigenous cultures.
Chinese: 在原住民文化中,使用来自自然的象征来代表更深层次的意义和价值。
- Systemic Barriers (系统性障碍)
English: Structural challenges that disproportionately affect marginalized groups by limiting their access to opportunities and resources in society.
Chinese: 结构性挑战,不成比例地影响边缘化群体,限制其在社会中获取机会和资源的能力。
- Table (表格)
English: A visual structure that displays data in rows and columns, making it easy to compare values across multiple variables.
Chinese: 一个以行和列显示数据的视觉结构,便于比较多个变量之间的值。
- Technical Knowledge (技术知识)
Specialized knowledge and expertise required to understand and interpret complex scientific data or technical reports.
理解和解释复杂的科学数据或技术报告所需的专业知识和技能。 - Tertiary Audience (第三方受众)
People or groups who may not be directly involved in the communication but are still impacted by or interested in the outcomes.
可能不直接参与沟通但仍受其结果影响或感兴趣的个人或群体。 - Timeline (时间表)
English: A schedule that outlines when tasks or milestones in a project need to be completed.
Chinese: 概述项目中任务或里程碑需要完成的时间安排。
- Tone (语气)
The general attitude or feeling conveyed in the communication, adjusted based on the audience and purpose.
沟通中传达的一般态度或感情,基于受众和目的进行调整。 - Tracking Tools (跟踪工具)
English: Software or systems used to monitor the progress of a project, helping to ensure that objectives are being met.
Chinese: 用于监测项目进展的软件或系统,帮助确保目标的实现。
- Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) (传统生态知识)
English: A subset of Indigenous Knowledge Systems that focuses on the relationships between living beings and their environments, often providing valuable insights for sustainable resource management.
Chinese: 原住民知识体系的一个子集,专注于生物与环境之间的关系,通常为可持续资源管理提供宝贵的见解。
- Transitions (过渡句)
English: Words or phrases used to smoothly move from one idea or point to another in communication, helping the flow of the message.
Chinese: 用于在沟通中顺利从一个想法或要点过渡到另一个想法或要点的词语或短语,帮助信息流畅传递。
- Transparency (透明度)
English: The quality of being open, honest, and straightforward in communication, particularly in persuasive efforts.
Chinese: 在沟通中特别是在说服过程中,保持公开、诚实和直率的品质。
- Trend (趋势)
English: A general direction in which something is developing or changing over time, often identified in data analysis.
Chinese: 事物随时间发展或变化的总体方向,通常在数据分析中识别出来。
- Trust Building (建立信任)
English: The process of creating mutual respect and trust between parties, essential for successful collaboration with Indigenous communities.
Chinese: 在各方之间建立相互尊重和信任的过程,对于与原住民社区的成功合作至关重要。
- Trust in Information (信息信任度)
The degree to which the public trusts the source of information, which affects how they act on the message.
公众对信息来源的信任程度,这会影响他们对信息的反应。 - Tundra (苔原)
Definition: A cold, treeless biome characterized by frozen subsoil (permafrost) and low-growing vegetation, found in Arctic regions.
Chinese Translation: 一种寒冷、无树的生物群落,具有永久冻土层和低矮植被,主要分布在北极地区。 - UBC Ethical AI Guidelines (UBC伦理AI指南)
English: A set of guidelines provided by the University of British Columbia to promote responsible and ethical use of AI in academia and professional settings.
Chinese: 由不列颠哥伦比亚大学提供的一套指南,旨在促进在学术和专业环境中负责任和伦理的AI使用。
- Visual Aids (视觉辅助工具)
Tools like charts, graphs, or diagrams used to present data or information more clearly in communication.
用于更清晰地展示数据或信息的工具,例如图表、图形或示意图。 - Visual Communication (视觉传播)
English: The use of visual elements such as images, charts, and diagrams to convey information in a clear and impactful way.
Chinese: 使用图像、图表和图解等视觉元素以清晰且有影响力的方式传达信息。
- Visual Communication (视觉传达)
English: The use of visual elements like charts, graphs, and images to convey information clearly and effectively.
Chinese: 使用图表、折线图和图片等视觉元素来清晰有效地传达信息。
- Visualization (可视化)
English: The process of creating visual representations of data to help convey complex information more easily.
Chinese: 创建数据的视觉表示的过程,以帮助更轻松地传达复杂信息。
- Visuals (视觉元素)
English: Images, charts, graphs, or any graphic representation used to explain or support information.
Chinese: 用于解释或支持信息的图片、图表、折线图或任何图形表示。
- Vocal Delivery (语音表达)
English: The way a speaker uses their voice—including pitch, tone, pacing, and volume—to convey a message effectively during public speaking.
Chinese: 演讲者通过使用音调、语气、节奏和音量来有效传达信息的方式。
- Vocal Variety (语音变化)
English: The use of different pitches, tones, and pacing in speech to keep the audience engaged and to emphasize points.
Chinese: 在演讲中使用不同的音调、语气和语速,以保持观众的参与感并强调要点。
- Wildfire Interface (野火交界区)
Definition: The zone where human development meets wildland vegetation, creating a high risk of wildfires due to the proximity of buildings and flammable natural materials.
Chinese Translation: 人类开发区与野生植被交界的区域,由于建筑物和易燃材料的存在,野火风险较高。 - Windthrow (风倒现象)
Definition: The uprooting or breaking of trees due to strong winds, often impacting forest management, erosion control, and ecological balance.
Chinese Translation: 由于强风导致树木连根拔起或折断的现象,通常影响森林管理、水土保持和生态平衡。