
7 Information Sheet

Dementia Guidance for Regional and Indigenous Populations in Northern British Columbia:

Consultation, Calibration, and Creation of Community and College Curricula



Investigators: Dr Dinesh Ramoo                                                                                                                                             

School of Psychology

College of New Caledonia

Prince George, British Columbia, Canada

(250) 562-2131 ext. ####

E-mail: dementia@cnc.bc.ca

Research Sponsor

Public Health Agency of Canada

Purpose of the Study

You are invited to take part in this study on dementia awareness. We want to understand what the community in Northern BC know about dementia, its prevalence and its prevention. Participants should be resident in Northern BC and be over 18 years of age. We are hoping to learn what can be done to address the knowledge gaps in the community. We also hope to find out what we can do to address community-specific needs in our community. This project is funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada’s Dementia Strategy Fund.

Who can participate in the study?

Participants should be resident in Northern BC and be over 18 years of age.

Procedures involved in the Research

After a brief introduction to the study and signing the consent form (given below), you will be asked a series of question on your understanding of aging and dementia. You are not expected to know any medical or detailed information about dementia. Rather, we are trying to understand your own ideas about aging and cognitive decline. The questions will be in the form of a survey with you agreeing or disagreeing to varying degrees.

Please note that the survey is submitted anonymously and cannot be withdrawn once you submit it. However, you can stop at any time during the survey and it will not be recorded.

Are there any risks to participating in this study?

It is not likely that there will be any harms or discomforts from/associated with this study.

You do not need to answer questions that you do not want to answer or that make you feel uncomfortable. You can withdraw (stop taking part) at any time.

Are there any benefits to participating in this study?

The research will not benefit you directly.  We hope to learn more about the community in general and provide guidance to the community. I hope that what is learned as a result of this study will help us to better understand dementia awareness and help the community by developing dementia guidance that will be made available later.

Who will know what I said or did in the study?

Your participation in the survey is completely anonymous, and no one can determine who provided the responses.

Security of data

We are using Microsoft Forms from CNC server to collect surveys. Access to the data is only available to research team through password protected system.  Microsoft Form offers encryption and security features for data in transit and at rest. The survey data does not have any identifiers (beyond the demographic information). There will be no way to identify who completed the survey.

What if I change my mind about being in the study?)

Your participation in this study is voluntary. If you decide to be part of the study, you can decide to stop (withdraw), at any time, even after signing the consent form or part-way through the study.

Information about the Study Results

We expect to have this study completed by approximately March 2024. If you would like a brief summary of the results, please let me know how you would like it sent to you.

Questions about the Study

If you have questions or need more information about the study itself, please contact us at: dementia@cnc.bc.ca.

Research Ethics

This study has been reviewed by the College of New Caledonia Ethics Board.  If you have concerns or questions about your rights as a participant or about the way the study is conducted, please contact:

Research Ethics Board

Chair: Paula Hayden

Telephone: (250) 562-2131 Extension 5676

E-mail: reb@cnc.bc.ca



Mind the Gap: Dementia Guidance for the North Copyright © by Dinesh Ramoo and Salima Somani. All Rights Reserved.

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