
Academic and Professional Life Quiz

Academic and Professional Life Self Assessment

Answer the 5 questions below and get feedback with links to the pages you’ll want to review!

  1. Agree or disagree: my online contributions impact my professional life.
    1. Not right now while I’m still a student. But it might in the future.
    2. Yes, definitely. I try my best to be mindful of how the content I put online will affect my current or future employment.
    3. I’ve never really thought about it.
  2. I hide my online interactions behind aliases and privacy settings.
    1. Not at all! I’m trying to build my online profile and showcase artifacts of my work so that employers will find them and want to hire me.
    2. Always. My personal life is private and I’m not interested in sharing information online with anyone but my friends.
    3. Sometimes — it depends on the website.
  3. E-portfolios and resume banks are…
    1. …a waste of time. The type of employment I’m looking for won’t look at these resources.
    2. …a perfect way to showcase my work for future employment opportunities!
    3. …something I might look into in the future. I don’t have time right now.
  4. When I see “Mom makes $5000/mth working online for Google” I…
    1. …resign from my current job and ‘click to join’.
    2. …ignore it and close the window.
    3. …feel curious and want to find out more.
  5. Netiquette is…
    1. …I’ve never heard of it — are you sure that’s a word?
    2. …important because online communication can be easily misinterpreted and I wouldn’t want it to affect my job.
    3. …an attempt to limit freedom of expression.
  6. Online courses are..
    1. …something I would prefer to avoid.
    2. …convenient, but it doesn’t compare to the face-to-face experience of classroom learning.
    3. …my preferred way to learn.
  7. Researching my term paper on the Internet is a good idea.
    1. Umm. Isn’t that what the library is for?
    2. I initially research my topics online, but I only use authoritative content for my assignments.
    3. Absolutely, Google Scholar is a lifesaver.
  8. I know which digital content I’m allowed to use and I can accurately cite anything I find online.
    1. If it’s on the internet, isn’t it automatically free to use?
    2. I think I cite things properly most of the time, but I’m not 100% sure how to cite formats other than books or articles.
    3. Zotero is a dream come true.
  9. I use social media to collaborate and study with others online.
    1. All the time! Wikis or Google docs are an essential part of every group project I’ve done.
    2. Sometimes. If I’m stuck, on a topic or want to meet up at the library, I’ll connect with friends online but that’s about it.
    3. Never. Social media is for my social life. I try to leave school out if it!
  10. I have a digital dossier.
    1. Digital what? I try to keep my online footprint as small as possible.
    2. Probably, but I’ve never checked into it. When I’m actually looking for a job I’ll take care of my online profile. I don’t have time to manage it right now.
    3. I intentionally contribute online content to build the kind of digital identity I want.


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