
2 Alice Ball

Alice Ball

Time period: 1892-1916

Subject: Chemistry and Pharmacology


Alice Augusta Ball was born in Seattle, Washington, and became the first woman and first African American to earn a master’s degree from the University of Hawaii. Despite any and all racial and gender biases of her time, Ball excelled in chemistry and was offered a teaching position at the university. Her promising career was tragically cut short when she passed away at the age of 24, but her work left a lasting legacy in medicine.

Summary of their contributions:

Ball developed the “Ball Method” which was the first effective treatment for leprosy (Hansen’s disease) using chaulmoogra oil. This technique transformed the oil into an injectable form that the body could absorb, which drastically improved the lives of many patients. Her method remained the standard treatment for leprosy until the development of antibiotics.

Integration with the BC Secondary Science Curriculum:

Including Biology, Chemistry, and Health Sciences: We can see the integration of this work within “Questioning and Predicting”, where Ball’s work inspires students to ask questions about disease treatment and the role of chemistry in medicine. We also see connection in “Planning and Conducting”, as her meticulous research exemplifies careful experimental design and problem-solving. Lastly, “Evaluating” students can evaluate the historical impact of her treatment and how scientific advancements improve health outcomes.


Alice Ball. Oxford University Museum of Natural History. (n.d.). https://oumnh.ox.ac.uk/learn-alice-ball#:~:text=1892%20%2D%201916&text=Alice%20Ball%20left%20Seattle%20High,at%20the%20University%20of%20Washington.

History of scientific women. Alice BALL. (n.d.). https://scientificwomen.net/women/ball-alice-121

News. EPIC Emerging Pandemic Infections Consortium. (n.d.). https://epic.utoronto.ca/alice-augusta-ball-the-unrecognized-chemist-behind-a-breakthrough-leprosy-treatment/

Science. Science | Building Student Success – B.C. Curriculum. (n.d.). https://curriculum.gov.bc.ca/curriculum/science


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