
4 Aryabhata


Time period:

476 – 550 CE


Astronomy, Math


Aryabhata, sometimes known as Aryabhata I (as opposed to another mathematician with same name from the 10th century), was an Indian astronomer, and the earliest Indian mathematician with surviving works. He was a native of Kusumapura (present day Patna, Bihar). While he is known to have written multiple works, Arybhatiya is his only surviving work. The first satellite launched by the Indian government was named Aryabhata, in his honor.

Summary of their contributions:

He was 23 years old when he wrote his famous text, Arybhatiya. This text covers mathematical topics such as arithmetic, algebra, plane trigonometry and spherical trigonometry, to name a few. He was able to approximate a value for pi, correct to four decimal places. In this text, Aryabhata also describes a geocentric model of the solar system, complete with elliptical orbits of the planets, as well as predictions of solar and lunar eclipses. His works have influenced many scientists over the last 1500 years, particularly in promoting ideas which are foundational to modern mathematics and astronomy.

Integration with the BC Secondary Science Curriculum:

Much of his work relating to arithmetic, algebra, and particularly trigonometry are topics which are covered in high school mathematics. In introducing these topics then, Aryabhata and his works might also be introduced. Similarly, planetary motion could be covered in physics or general science classes, which gives another opportunity to talk about this influential scientist.

Curricular Compentencies:

– Communicating: formulate physical or mental theoretical models to describe a phenomenon (Science 10)

– Connecting and Reflecting: connect mathematical concepts with each other, other areas, and personal interests (Math 10)


Hayashi, T. (2024, December 5). Aryabhata | Achievements, Biography, & Facts. Encyclopedia Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Aryabhata-I

Aryabhata. (n.d.). Maths History. https://mathshistory.standrews.ac.uk/Biographies/Aryabhata_I/



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