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Dealing with Details: Proofreading Tips

Now that you have  explored strategies for finding and correcting grammar and word choice errors, you will want to move on to the proofreading stage in the editing process.  Consider applying the following strategies:

  • Whenever possible, leave time between when you first write the paper and when you edit. You will be able to see what you have written more clearly after some time has passed.
  • Read your paper out loud, slowly and carefully. Hearing your paper out loud may help you catch mistakes you do not see when you are reading.
  • Use a plain piece of paper to help you proofread line by line. Look at one line at a time, and move the paper slowly down the page as you read.
  • Print out the paper before you edit. It is easier to see mistakes on a printed copy than on a computer screen.

Another important strategy when you are focused on reducing the number of grammar errors in your paper is to proofread for only one error at a time.  This helps you to focus.  For example, if you want to fix article mistakes (a/the) in your paper, read through the paper once, looking only for that error.  Use the error log to guide you as you choose the which errors to focus on, and then systematically proofread for each error, one at a time.


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