
Available OER for Engineering

In order to determine what OER is available and what gaps might exist, BCcampus conducted a gap analysis and mapping of OER to the common first-year curriculum for engineering. The analysis was led by Brian Dick, Chair, Department of Physics, Engineering, and Astronomy at Vancouver Island University.

The table below lists available OER for the CFYEC – some of which have already been adopted by Engineering programs in B.C. It also includes some free resources which are not openly licensed but are available to students at no cost and are already in use at some institutions. An openly licensed resource carries a Creative Commons licence or other open licence that permits users to copy, remix, and distribute a resource, with few (if any) restrictions, depending on the specific licence.

Those resources that are openly licensed have either the abbreviated name of the licence next to the name of the resource or a link to a page that describes the resource’s licensing if that is available. For more information about the permissions granted by Creative Commons licences, visit the Creative Commons website.

Many of the resources identified in the table have been reviewed by faculty with experience teaching these courses for first-year engineering – see the ‘About the OER Reviews’ section to read the reviews. If you do adopt any OER for your courses, please let BCcampus know about it by completing the adoptions tracking form.

CFYEC Course Existing OER or FR

CALC I/II – Differential and Integral Calculus

OER Adopted in BC Engineering Programs:

Calculus: Volume 1 (Openstax) (CC-BY-NC-SA)

Calculus: Volume 2 (Openstax) (CC-BY-NC-SA)

Active Calculus (Matthew Boelkins) (CC-BY)

CLP Calculus Textbooks (UBC) (CC-BY-NC-SA)

Free resources:

Apex Calculus

Desmos Calculator

CHEM I – Engineering Chemistry

OER Adopted in BC Engineering Programs:

Chemistry 2e. (Openstax) (CC-BY)

CSCI I – Introduction to Programming

OER Adopted in BC Engineering Programs:

How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: C++ Version (Green Tea Press) (CC-BY-NC)

The Rook’s Guide to C++ (CC-BY-NC-SA)

ENGL I – University Academic Writing

OER not known to be formally adopted for Engineering within BC PSIs:

Writing for Success: The First Canadian Edition (BCcampus) (CC-BY-NC-SA)

ENGL II – Technical Writing

OER not known to be formally adopted for Engineering within BC PSIs:

Technical Writing (Open Oregon Educational Resources) (CC-BY-NC-SA)

Technical Writing Essentials (BCcampus) (CC-BY)

ENGR I/II – Engineering Design

OER not known to be formally adopted for Engineering within BC PSIs:

AutoCAD 2D eBook (BCcampus) (CC-BY)

AutoCAD 3D eBook (BCcampus) (CC-BY)

Principles of Engineering Drawing (University of Toronto) (CC-BY-NC-SA)

Project Management (University of Toronto) (CC-BY-NC-SA)

Ethics for Engineers (University of Toronto) (CC-BY-NC-SA)

Free Resource:

Introductory Engineering Design Textbook (University of Colorado Boulder)

LALG I – Linear Algebra

OER Adopted in BC Engineering Programs:

Linear Algebra with Applications (Lyryx) (CC-BY-NC-SA)

A First Course in Linear Algebra (Lyryx) (CC-BY-NC-SA)

OER not known to be formally adopted for Engineering within BC PSIs:

A Brief Introduction to Engineering Computation with MATLAB (BCcampus) (may be useful for MATLAB component of this course) (CC-BY)

PHYS I/II – Calculus-based Introductory Physics

OER Adopted in BC Engineering Programs:

University Physics: Volume 1 (Openstax) (CC-BY)

University Physics: Volume 2 (Openstax) (CC-BY)

University Physics: Volume 3 (Openstax) (CC-BY)

Introductory Physics: Building Models to Describe Our World (Ryan D. Martin, Emma Neary, Joshua Rinaldo, and Olivia Woodman) (CC-BY-SA)

Tracker – Modelling tools (GNU General Public License)

PhET Interactive Simulations – Modelling tools (University of Colorado Boulder) (CC-BY)

OER not known to be formally adopted for Engineering within BC PSIs:

Light and Matter (Benjamin Crowell) (Mechanics & Fields and Circuits) (CC-BY-SA)

Physics – Newtonian Mechanics (University of Toronto) (CC-BY-NC-ND)

PHYS III – Statics and Dynamics

OER not known to be formally adopted for Engineering within BC PSIs:

Mechanics Map Digital Textbook (Penn State University) (CC-BY-SA)

In development:

Physics: Statics and Dynamics WeBWork Problems (UBC) (CC-BY)


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Common First Year Curriculum for Engineering: OER Reviews Copyright © 2021 by BCcampus is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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