
Quality open educational resources (OER) are available for a number of first-year courses in engineering programs throughout the Province of B.C. Many faculty across B.C. and beyond have long been involved in creating, adapting, and adopting OER for their courses. With that in mind, BCcampus has been exploring potential paths to Zero Textbook Cost (ZTC) programs in STEM in B.C., including for first-year engineering. ZTC programs enable students to earn credentials without incurring costs for textbooks.

BCcampus has recognized the need to search for and align available OER with the common curriculum for first-year engineering (CFYEC). The goal is to ensure that relevant and quality OER are available for all first-year engineering courses, thus making possible a Zero Textbook Cost pathway in engineering. This guide includes reviews by B.C. faculty with experience teaching first-year engineering courses of available OER in those subjects. The aim is to assist those preparing to teach the common core curriculum in selecting quality resources that eliminate resource costs for students and provide faculty with the freedom to adapt resources to meet their specific teaching needs and approach.


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Common First Year Curriculum for Engineering: OER Reviews Copyright © 2021 by BCcampus is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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