
About the OER Reviews

With the information collected in the gap analysis for the common curriculum for first year engineering, BCcampus identified available OER to be reviewed for quality and relevance by BC faculty who teach or have taught the corresponding courses. The reviews include recommendations for adoption or adaptation with specific reference to first-year engineering courses. In this section you will find reviews by subject area.

The reviews were intended to provide constructive, helpful feedback for instructors contemplating the adoption of one or more of these OER for courses taught in first-year engineering. The first goal was to create a curated list of recommended OER. The second goal was identify what improvements or adaptations might be needed to make OER suitable to the courses. And lastly, the reviews include information and recommendations for faculty who are consider adopting the OER for their courses.

Reviews were conducted during the fall term 2020. Some resources have published new versions or editions since the reviews were completed.

Note that there are no reviews included for ENGR I/II – Engineering Design as a gap was identified in comprehensive OER for this subject area and course approach varies more widely from program to program. Faculty may wish to consider using a variety of the OER and Free Resources available in developing their courses in this subject.


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Common First Year Curriculum for Engineering: OER Reviews Copyright © 2021 by BCcampus is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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