enaR SCOR Files from Ecospace

The enaR SCOR file writer can be activated via by making sure the enaRPlugin is included in your version of EwE. You can see your loaded Plugins via the EwE’s main menu Tools/Options and selecting the Plugins.

Figure 1 – EwE Plug-ins manager.

The enaRPlugin will add a menu item to the EwE main menu to toggle file saving on or off Ecospace/Save enaR file = On or Off

Figure – 2enaR file save menu option.

The SCOR files will be written to your default output directory, which can be set via the Tools/Options/File management then setting the Output location. When the plugin is run it will create a new directory structure under the default output with the… /{Ecospace scenario name}/ena_data/Timestep=000x. Each time step the model is run for will get its own directory. Within the timestep directories there will be a file for each Ecospace cell. The naming convention for the cell files is ‘nnn{row number}-nnn{column number}-{Ecopath Model Name} –{Ecospace Scenario Name}.txt”

i.e. “0001-0001-Ecopath_Baie_de_Seine_enaR-Test-1.txt” For the first row and column of an Ecopath model call “Ecopath_Baie_de_Seine” with the Ecospace scenario “enaR-Test-1”. Rows and columns are one base from the upper left hand corner.


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User Guide for Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) Copyright © 2024 by Ecopath International Initiative is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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