Time Series

Time Series Type Unit Abbreviation Type Pool Code Pool Code 2 Driver or Reference
Biomass, relative BiomassRel 0 Group Reference
Biomass, absolute t km-2 BiomassAbs 1 Group Reference
Biomass, forced t km-2 BiomassForcing -1 Group Driver
Forcing function TimeForcing 2 Function # Driver
Fishing effort FishingEffort 3 Fleet Driver
Fishing mortality year-1 FishingMortality 4 Group Driver
Total mortality year-1 TotalMortality 5 Group Reference
Total mortality, constant year-1 ConstantTotalMortality -5 Group Driver
Catches t km-2 year-1 Catches 6 Group Reference
Catches, forced t km-2 year-1 CatchesForcing -6 Group Driver
Catches, relative CatchesRel 61 Group Reference
Average weight AverageWeight 7 Multi-stanza group Reference
Ecotracer, relative concentration 1 EcotracerConcRel 8 Group Reference
Ecotracer, absolute concentration 1 EcotracerConcAbs 9 Group Reference
Discard proportion, absolute DiscardProportion 10 Fleet Group Driver
Discard mortality rate, absolute year-1 DiscardMortality 11 Fleet Group Driver
Landings, absolute t km-2 year-1 Landings 12 Fleet Group Reference
Discards, absolute t km-2 year-1 Discards 13 Fleet Group Reference
Catchabilities 2 Catchabilities 14 Fleet Group Driver
Off-vessel price, absolute $/t OffVesselPrice 15 Fleet Group Driver
Off-vessel price, relative OffVesselPriceRel -15 Fleet Group Driver
Effort cost, absolute 3 % EffortCost 16 Fleet Group Driver
Effort cost multiplier 3 EffortCostRel -16 Fleet Group Driver
Sailing cost, absolute 3 % SailCost 17 Fleet Driver
Sailing cost multiplier, relative 3 SailCostRel -17 Fleet Driver
Fixed cost, absolute 3 % FixedCost 18 Fleet Driver
Fixed cost multiplier 3 FixedCostRel -18 Fleet Driver
Fishing mortality FishingMortalityRef 104 Group Reference
Diet composition 1 Diet Group (predator) Group (prey) Reference
Table 1 - List of time series types and their abbreviations that can be used in Ecosim along with description. Notice that for reference time series, the CSV file weight can be [0, ∞] while the weight is not used for driver time series (so just set it to 0).  Where no unit is indicated, the time series is a relative value (so no unit). Pool code and Pool code 2 should be numbers.

1 Not yet implemented in EwE

2 Time series 14 replaces the catch abilities input interface in EwE 6.6

3 These time series vary the Ecopath > Input > Fleet cost proportions


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