Getting Started

How to Obtain the Ecopath with Ecosim Software

The setup programme for Ecopath with Ecosim 6 (EwE6) can be downloaded from Simply download the setup file and follow the prompts.

Software Support, Copyright and Liability

The software is copyrighted but not copy-protected. You may freely copy and distribute the program as long as this is not done commercially.

Installing and Running Ecopath with Ecosim

Installation is done via a customized third-party setup program. Simply click on the link to the setup programme on the Ecopath website ( and choose Run. Some browsers will give a warning that the software is from an unknown publisher, click Run if you get this warning. Then follow the prompts to for installing the software.

When installing, note that there are options for installing plug-in (utilities providing extra capabilities) – check those you want installed.

Currently EwE6 will only run only on the Windows platforms. For Mac/Linux versions we recommend the Parallel virtualization software, it provides a straightforward and easy-to-use-and-maintain approach for running EwE smoothly. Unfortunately, it is not free.

We are working to raise funds for a new version of EwE (7), and are committed to making that version platform independent.

If you have any other problems with installation, please contact us through the user support section of

Previous Versions

Any model built using a version of EwE5 later than version 1.67 can be converted to EwE6 format using the Ecopath database conversion wizard.


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User Guide for Ecopath with Ecosim (EwE) Copyright © 2024 by Ecopath International Initiative is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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