
Accessibility of this Faculty Training Module (FTM)

Photo by Matt LaVasseur on Unsplash

The web version of this resource aims to meet Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0, level AA. In addition, it aims to meet the guidelines in Appendix A: Checklist for Accessibility of the Accessibility Toolkit – 2nd Edition. It includes:

  • Easy navigation. This text has a linked table of contents and uses headings in each chapter to make navigation easy.
  • Accessible videos. Whenever possible, videos in this text have captions.
  • Accessible images. All images in this text that convey information have alternative text. Decorative images have empty alternative text
  • Accessible links. All links use descriptive link text.

Content sources: Whenever possible, authentic voices and Canadian-developed resources were selected to provide the learner with relevant content and examples. As a result, some of the resources provided may not suit the level of every learner or fit seamlessly into the faculty training module (FTM).

The resources included in the FTM are examples for horticulture educators; however, if educators are pulling from these resources, each resource should be critically analyzed to ensure it is appropriate, relevant, and respectful for each educator, place, context, and learner group.

Open Educational Resource (OER)

This faculty training module is an open educational resource (OER). “OER are teaching resources that have an open-copyright licence (such as one from Creative Commons), or they are part of the public domain and have no copyright. Depending on the licence used, OER can be freely accessed, used, re-mixed, improved, and shared” (BCCampus).


As BCCampus (2023) notes, “education in Canada is exclusively a provincial or territorial responsibility; we do not have a formal federal presence to connect open activities on a national level.”

Open Education Information by Province and Territory


Here is an example of a horticulture-specific OER created by Michelle Nakano that is free for anyone to use and learn from: Red Seal Landscape Horticulturist Identify Plants and Plant Requirements (F2 – 1&2).

In this faculty training module, the reflections, resources, and content are examples of open educational resources (OER), which means learners (that’s you!) can use and adapt the examples to suit their local context and diverse student learning needs while giving appropriate credit. However, it’s important to note that it’s not appropriate to take the thoughts, ideas, or knowledge collected in the module without providing appropriate credit.

With that in mind, a gentle reminder to please give credit to those who created the work or generously shared knowledge or an idea.

Creative Commons

Creative Commons (CC) is a global body that provides open-copyright licences, so as an author, you can give your permission to share and reuse your creative work, with the conditions you choose.

Learn more about the various types of Creative Commons licences.


The License for this Faculty Training Module (FTM)

The license for this FTM was determined by the Colleges and Institutes of Canada (CICan), who also provided collaboration coordination and funding for this project.

“Copyright subsists in these training modules. CICan holds the copyright with the intent to always make them fully accessible. Under a Creative Commons license CICan authorizes users to copy and distribute the modules in any medium or format as long as the modules are not changed, and use is for non-commercial purposes only. At no time will CICan seek to profit from these modules or the Indigenous wisdom contained within them. These modules were co-developed with member institutes. We would like to express gratitude to all the people that contributed to the creation of these modules and acknowledge the Indigenous wisdom that is woven into them” (Colleges and Institutes of Canada, 2024).

The Creative Commons license attributed to this FTM is:


You can learn more about the licence above through the Creative Commons website (click on the blue link to go to the webpage).

This open educational resource is not being monitored and may not include up-to-date information.


Icon for the Public Domain licence

This work (Charting a Path to Greening the Trades by Regenerate (to renew/restore/respect)) is free of known copyright restrictions.

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