Chapitre 1 – Bonjour !


Whether you are learning French because you want to travel, need it for work, or have signed up for a French course, learning languages is a great way to meet new people and gain new perspectives. In the “Vocabulaire” section of this Pressbook, you will learn some everyday vocabulary for job titles, classroom objects, the date and days of the week.


  • Les noms et prénoms
  • Les professions
  • Les objets de la classe
  • La date
  • Les jours de la semaine


Play the video to meet a Francophone and Francophile. Listen to how they use informal and formal greetings to speak to each other. The video will pause every time there is a listening comprehension question. These questions are meant to challenge you and check your comprehension.

Select the diagonal arrows to enlarge the video and view subtitles. You may slow down the recording by using the gauge on the bottom right-hand side of the player. Bonne rencontre!

‘Tu’ ou ‘Vous’?

‘Tu’ ou ‘Vous’?


Forms of address:

When speaking to another person in French for the first time, does one use ‘tu’ or the formal ‘vous’?

  • In general, ‘tu’ is used with friends, family, and children. Register of language: Formal.
  • ‘Vous’ is used to express politeness, formality, and social distance. ‘Vous’ is the form of address used for all formal situations. Register of language: Informal.


Test your understanding of when to use ‘Tu’ versus ‘Vous’ by answering the questions below. Select ‘Tu’ or ‘Vous,’ then use the “Check” button to verify your answer. To move to the next question, select the right arrow “>”.

Formality and Informality in the video with Negin and Sarah

Watch the video above once more before you answer the questions below.

Salutations: niveau de langue familier et soutenu

Niveau de langue: familier

Niveau de langue: soutenu

To advance to the next question in the exercise below, select the grey bar at the bottom. To increase the size of the exercise select the arrows on the bottom, right-hand side of the H5P item.

La date

Les jours de la semaine

Quels sont les jours de la semaine?

Press “play” and follow the days of the week in the image below as they are read out loud in French.

A calendar showing the days of the week in French.


Play the recording and enter the vocabulary into the flashcards below. Be sure to pause the audio recording if you need more time to type your answers.

Vocabulary for the classroom

La salle de classe

Select the different plus icons on the image to discover the vocabulary for each hot spot in French.

Instructions for the classroom

Les consignes pour la salle de classe [Les consignes]

It is helpful to learn basic vocabulary to follow instructions in class. To advance to the next question in the exercise below, select the grey bar at the bottom, to the right of the blue segment of the bar. To increase the size of the exercises select the arrows on the bottom right-hand side of the H5P item.

Chapitre 1 –  Bonjour !


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Le Français Interactif Copyright © 2023 by Mirabelle Tinio is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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