Chapitre 0 – Bienvenue !

Basic greetings

Two people high fiving

Read the vocabulary below and press “play” on the player to listen to the pronunciation.


English                             French

Hello                                  Bonjour

What is your name?           Comment t’appelles-tu? (informal)

How are you?                    Comment ça va? (informal)

Hi                                      Salut

Good evening                   Bonsoir

Good bye                           Au revoir


Enrichissez votre vocabulaire

Enrichissez votre vocabulaire:

The links below will take you to vocabulary and corresponding audio recordings in Le français interactif.

Simple Greetings

Traduisez les expressions.

*This type of activity can be completed using a keyboard by using Tab, arrow, and spacebar.

Increase your vocabulary

Now, let’s practice the pronunciation of greetings in French.

This activity requires access to your microphone. By default, it may be blocked. In this case, you can grant access on the top, right-hand corner of your browser. Select the video icon then choose “Continue allowing to access your microphone.”

This technology is still in development. It helps to use an external microphone. This type of activity only works in Google Chrome browser.

Be sure to verify the accuracy of your pronunciation with your teacher or a French speaker.

Chapitre 0 –  Bienvenue !


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Le Français Interactif Copyright © 2023 by Mirabelle Tinio is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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