Chapitre 0 – Bienvenue !


Whether you are learning French because you want to travel, need it for work, or have signed up for a French course, learning languages is a great way to meet new people and gain new perspectives. In the “Vocabulaire” section of this Pressbook, you will learn some basic vocabulary for introducing yourself and others.


  • L’alphabet
  • Les nombres
  • Les prénoms
  • Les professions
  • Les matières

Self Introductions

Je me présente

Play Button
Play Button


Press “play” to listen to the recording of a list of vocabulary presented in the accordion below. Select the French expression in the accordion in order to view the English translation. Listen and repeat the French expressions out loud. Be sure to pause the recording and rewind when necessary.


Introduce Other People

Qui est-ce?

Press the “play button” to listen to the recording of a list of vocabulary presented in the accordion below. Select the French expression in the accordion in order to view the English translation. Listen and repeat the French expressions out loud. Be sure to pause the recording and rewind when necessary.


Vocabulaire: Les matières

Play the recording above and flip through the flashcards below. Read the French term. Translate orally or on paper. Then, use the “Turn” button to view the translation of each school subject and the arrow buttons to move between cards.

Be sure to pause the recording and rewind when necessary.


Les matières – Traduisez

Read the French term. Translate orally or on paper. Then, verify your work. Select the arrow beside each item to view the correct English translation.


Les nombres

Let’s learn the numbers in French: Les nombres cardinaux – 1 (un) à 69 (soixante-neuf)

Numbers 1 - 69 in French.


Let’s learn the alphabet.

the alphabet



Now, it is your turn. Read the question and answer it. Click on the blue button to record your voice. Your pronunciation will be analyzed and marked correct or incorrect.

This activity requires access to your microphone. By default, it may be blocked. In this case, you can grant access on the top, right-hand corner of your browser. Select the video icon then choose “Continue allowing https:// to access your microphone.”

Beware – this technology is still in development. It helps to use an external microphone. This type of activity only works in Google Chrome browser.

Be sure to verify the accuracy of your pronunciation with your teacher or a French speaker.

Les interactions de base

Read and learn the following useful and important expressions that you will often use in daily interactions.

Note on Gender Neutral Language in French

Gender neutrality is one way to respect all genders and promote gender equality. These values align with the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and is mandated by the  Federal Plan for Gender Equality.

In English, we use they as a gender neutral pronoun. In French, iel, a neologism that combines the pronouns “il” (he) and “elle” (she), is one example of a gender-neutral pronoun.

Chapitre 0 –  Bienvenue !


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Le Français Interactif Copyright © 2023 by Mirabelle Tinio is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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