
Chapitre 2 – Me voici !

Test de personnalité

Now that you have studied some new vocabulary and worked on improving your listening comprehension skills, let’s see this vocabulary in action. Below, you will find a personality test. What kind of student are you? Are you studious? Are you a motivated student or not? Answer the questions in French to find out. Please do not take the results too seriously. This is just meant to be a fun activity. Amusez-vous bien!

Select the button “Commencer le cours” to start the personality test. To increase the size of the exercise below, select the arrows on the top, left-hand side of the H5P item.

Here is a similar personality test in a different format.

Chapitre 2 –  Me voici !


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Le Français Interactif Copyright © 2023 by Mirabelle Tinio is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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