78 5.8: Structure – La préposition à

In this section, you will learn about the preposition « à ».


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On étudie !

In French, the preposition à often means “to”, “at”, or “in”, depending on the context. But it can also mean a variety of other things that you will learn throughout this book. For this section, we will focus on using à to talk about where people and things are located.

We use this preposition to say where something or someone is located. This usually translates as “in”, like à San Diego (in San Diego) or “at” like à la plage (at the beach).

When it is followed by the masculine definite article le it must be contracted. Compare:

Préposition à + article défini
féminin masculin
à la banque au théâtre
à la gare au restaurant



Depending on the context, au restaurant could mean “at the restaurant” or “in the restaurant”.

For cities, you only need the à. No definite article:

à Paris à New York à Kinshasa


Ressources supplémentaires

Learn more about the difference between the prepositions dans, à, en and sur:


On approfondit !


Ressources en ligne

Use the following resources to type accents and/or search for words:

  • Accents: ç, à, é, è, â, ê, î, ô, û, ù, ë, ï, ü
  • Dictionnaire français-anglais


Exercice 1 : préposition ‘à’ et contractions



Exercice 2 : préposition ‘à’ et contractions




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