11 1.12: Structure – Comment ça s’écrit ?

In this section, you will learn about:

  • The French alphabet
  • French accent marks


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Listen to the audio clips that follow on this page to hear the French pronunciation of vocabulary and examples presented.


On étudie !


L’alphabet français

Lettres Exemples
A comme alligator
B comme bison
C comme canari
D comme dauphin
E comme éléphant
F comme faon
G comme girafe
H comme hamster
I comme iguane
J comme jaguar
K comme koala
L comme lion
M comme mule
N comme narval
O comme orque
P comme panthère
Q comme quetzal
R comme rat
S comme scorpion
T comme tigre
U comme urial
V comme vautour
W comme wallaby
X comme xérus
Y comme yack
Z comme zèbre


Ressources supplémentaires


Les signes diacritiques

Here are the important accents and diacritical marks to remember in French. They are important for both spelling and pronunciation:

Les signes diacritiques
Signes Exemples Explications
accent aigu (´) étudiant, marié, café Indicates that an is pronounced like the underlined vowels in day or late, but shorter and crisper. When a French word begins with é is often means that an s would appear at the beginning of the English equivalent: éponge -> sponge; état —> state; étudiante —> student.
accent grave (`) très, à Indicates that an e is pronounces like the in the English word pet. For example: très, nièce, père. When it is placed over an a or a u, it does not change the pronunciation, but it does distinguish words. Compare: la (the) vs. (there); ou (or) vs. (where); a (has) vs. à (to, at).
accent circonflexe (ˆ) hôpital, âge, île, août, sûr This mark can appear above any vowel. It indicates that a letter has been dropped form an older version of the word, usually an s. This can help us identify mots apparentés. For example: hôpital (hospital), forest (forêt), fête (feast). L’accent circonflexe can also help distinguish between words with similar spellings: mûr (ripe) vs. mur (wall); sûr (sure) vs. sur (on).
tréma (¨) naïve, Haïti, égoïste Indicates that the vowel under it must be pronounced separately form the vowel next to it (without blending)
cédille (ç) ça, garçon, français Softens the letter c to be pronounced like an English /s/ instead of a /k/.


On pratique !


Activité A

The names of these animals begin with which letter of the alphabet? Don’t forget the appropriate accent if there’s one.

  1. __léphant
  2. __anard
  3. __oala
  4. __rque
  5. __igre
  6. __guane
  7. __lligator
  8. __ion
  9. ________èbre
  10. __allaby


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