46 3.12: Structure – Adverbes d’intensité

In this section, you will learn how to use adverbs to intensify adjectives.

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Listen to the audio clips that follow on this page to hear the French pronunciation of vocabulary and examples presented.

On étudie !

There is nothing like a good adverb to modify the adjectives we use to describe people and things. You can express different degrees of intensity by using “adverbs of degree”, or adverbes d’intensité. For example, instead of just saying Il est grand (He is tall), I can say:

Il est très grand. (He is very tall.)

Il est tellement grand ! (He is so tall!)

Il est vraiment grand. (He is really tall.)

These adverbs can be used for just about anything we describe:

L’examen est extrêmement difficile. (The exam is extremely difficult.)

La classe de français est assez facile. (French class is prett,quite easy.)

Here is a useful list of adverbes d’intensité:

Les adverbes

Adverbes d’intensité
Français Anglais Exemples Examples
assez enough, quite,pretty Il est assez grand. He’s pretty, quite tall.
plutôt rather Elle est plutôt calme. She’s rather calm.
très very C’est un homme très dynamique. It’s a very energetic man.
bien a lot, quite Ils sont bien différents. They are quite different.
fort very Marie est fort intelligente. Marie is very intelligent.
vraiment truly, really Il est vraiment intelligent. He is really intelligent.
tellement so, so much Il est tellement cool. He is so cool.
extrêmement extremely C’est un homme extrêmement poli. This is an extremely polite man.
si so Tu es si grand maintenant ! You are so tall now!
super so, super Ce film est super bon. This movie is really good.
hyper so, hyper Je suis hyper fatigué(e). I am so tired.
trop too, so C’est trop cool ! It’s too cool!


Study the Quizlet vocabulary flashcards. Listen and repeat the French pronunciation.

Tellement Super

A pile of croissants

Ces croissants sont tellement délicieux !

“This work” by herryway, Pixabay is in the Public Domain, CC0

An ape scratching his head

Ce singe est super intelligent !

“This work” by pixabay.com is in the Public Domain, CC0

On approfondit !

Ressources en ligne

Use the following resources to type accents and/or search for words:

  • Accents: ç, à, é, è, â, ê, î, ô, û, ù, ë, ï, ü 
  • Dictionnaire français-anglais

Exercice 1 : les adjectifs intensifiés (adverbes)



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